PEEL Shopping
Open source ecommerce : PEEL Shopping
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCKEditorCKEditor class that can be used to create editor instances in PHP pages on server side
 CDatamatrixClass to create DataMatrix ECC 200 barcode arrays for TCPDF class
 CPDF417Class to create PDF417 barcode arrays for TCPDF class
 CQRcodeClass to create QR-code arrays for TCPDF class
 CSmarty_Internal_ConfigfilelexerSmarty Internal Plugin Configfilelexer
 CSmarty_Internal_Resource_EvalSmarty Internal Plugin Resource Eval
 CSmarty_Internal_Resource_StringSmarty Internal Plugin Resource String
 CSmarty_Internal_TemplatelexerSmarty Internal Plugin Templatelexer
 CSmarty_SecurityThis class does contain the security settings
 CTCPDFPHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions
 CTCPDF2DBarcodePHP class to creates array representations for 2D barcodes to be used with TCPDF (
 CTCPDF_ENCODING_MAPSThis is a PHP class containing Font encodings maps class for TCPDF library
 CTCPDF_FILTERSThis is a PHP class for decoding common PDF filters (PDF 32000-2008 - 7.4 Filters)
 CTCPDF_PARSERThis is a PHP class for parsing PDF documents
 CTCPDF_UNICODE_DATAThis is a PHP class containing UnicOde data for TCPDF library
 CTCPDFBarcodePHP class to creates array representations for common 1D barcodes to be used with TCPDF (
 CTwig_AutoloaderAutoloads Twig classes
 CTwig_CompilerCompiles a node to PHP code
 CTwig_CompilerInterfaceInterface implemented by compiler classes
 CTwig_EnvironmentStores the Twig configuration
 CTwig_ErrorTwig base exception
 CTwig_Error_LoaderException thrown when an error occurs during template loading
 CTwig_Error_RuntimeException thrown when an error occurs at runtime
 CTwig_Error_SyntaxException thrown when a syntax error occurs during lexing or parsing of a template
 CTwig_ExistsLoaderInterfaceAdds an exists() method for loaders
 CTwig_ExpressionParserParses expressions
 CTwig_Extension_StagingInternal class
 CTwig_ExtensionInterfaceInterface implemented by extension classes
 CTwig_FilterRepresents a template filter
 CTwig_Filter_FunctionRepresents a function template filter
 CTwig_Filter_MethodRepresents a method template filter
 CTwig_Filter_NodeRepresents a template filter as a node
 CTwig_FilterCallableInterfaceRepresents a callable template filter
 CTwig_FilterInterfaceRepresents a template filter
 CTwig_FunctionRepresents a template function
 CTwig_Function_FunctionRepresents a function template function
 CTwig_Function_MethodRepresents a method template function
 CTwig_Function_NodeRepresents a template function as a node
 CTwig_FunctionCallableInterfaceRepresents a callable template function
 CTwig_FunctionInterfaceRepresents a template function
 CTwig_LexerLexes a template string
 CTwig_LexerInterfaceInterface implemented by lexer classes
 CTwig_Loader_ArrayLoads a template from an array
 CTwig_Loader_ChainLoads templates from other loaders
 CTwig_Loader_FilesystemLoads template from the filesystem
 CTwig_Loader_StringLoads a template from a string
 CTwig_LoaderInterfaceInterface all loaders must implement
 CTwig_MarkupMarks a content as safe
 CTwig_NodeRepresents a node in the AST
 CTwig_Node_AutoEscapeRepresents an autoescape node
 CTwig_Node_BlockRepresents a block node
 CTwig_Node_BlockReferenceRepresents a block call node
 CTwig_Node_BodyRepresents a body node
 CTwig_Node_DoRepresents a do node
 CTwig_Node_EmbedRepresents an embed node
 CTwig_Node_ExpressionAbstract class for all nodes that represents an expression
 CTwig_Node_Expression_BlockReferenceRepresents a block call node
 CTwig_Node_Expression_ExtensionReferenceRepresents an extension call node
 CTwig_Node_Expression_Filter_DefaultReturns the value or the default value when it is undefined or empty
 CTwig_Node_Expression_ParentRepresents a parent node
 CTwig_Node_Expression_Test_ConstantChecks if a variable is the exact same value as a constant
 CTwig_Node_Expression_Test_DefinedChecks if a variable is defined in the current context
 CTwig_Node_Expression_Test_DivisiblebyChecks if a variable is divisible by a number
 CTwig_Node_Expression_Test_EvenChecks if a number is even
 CTwig_Node_Expression_Test_NullChecks that a variable is null
 CTwig_Node_Expression_Test_OddChecks if a number is odd
 CTwig_Node_Expression_Test_SameasChecks if a variable is the same as another one (=== in PHP)
 CTwig_Node_FlushRepresents a flush node
 CTwig_Node_ForRepresents a for node
 CTwig_Node_ForLoopInternal node used by the for node
 CTwig_Node_IfRepresents an if node
 CTwig_Node_ImportRepresents an import node
 CTwig_Node_IncludeRepresents an include node
 CTwig_Node_MacroRepresents a macro node
 CTwig_Node_ModuleRepresents a module node
 CTwig_Node_PrintRepresents a node that outputs an expression
 CTwig_Node_SandboxRepresents a sandbox node
 CTwig_Node_SandboxedModuleRepresents a module node
 CTwig_Node_SandboxedPrintTwig_Node_SandboxedPrint adds a check for the __toString() method when the variable is an object and the sandbox is activated
 CTwig_Node_SetRepresents a set node
 CTwig_Node_SpacelessRepresents a spaceless node
 CTwig_Node_TextRepresents a text node
 CTwig_NodeInterfaceRepresents a node in the AST
 CTwig_NodeOutputInterfaceRepresents a displayable node in the AST
 CTwig_NodeTraverserTwig_NodeTraverser is a node traverser
 CTwig_NodeVisitor_EscaperTwig_NodeVisitor_Escaper implements output escaping
 CTwig_NodeVisitor_OptimizerTwig_NodeVisitor_Optimizer tries to optimizes the AST
 CTwig_NodeVisitor_SandboxTwig_NodeVisitor_Sandbox implements sandboxing
 CTwig_NodeVisitorInterfaceTwig_NodeVisitorInterface is the interface the all node visitor classes must implement
 CTwig_ParserDefault parser implementation
 CTwig_ParserInterfaceInterface implemented by parser classes
 CTwig_Sandbox_SecurityErrorException thrown when a security error occurs at runtime
 CTwig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicyRepresents a security policy which need to be enforced when sandbox mode is enabled
 CTwig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicyInterfaceInterfaces that all security policy classes must implements
 CTwig_SimpleFilterRepresents a template filter
 CTwig_SimpleFunctionRepresents a template function
 CTwig_SimpleTestRepresents a template test
 CTwig_TemplateDefault base class for compiled templates
 CTwig_TemplateInterfaceInterface implemented by all compiled templates
 CTwig_TestRepresents a template test
 CTwig_Test_FunctionRepresents a function template test
 CTwig_Test_IntegrationTestCaseIntegration test helper
 CTwig_Test_MethodRepresents a method template test
 CTwig_Test_NodeRepresents a template test as a Node
 CTwig_TestCallableInterfaceRepresents a callable template test
 CTwig_TestInterfaceRepresents a template test
 CTwig_TokenRepresents a Token
 CTwig_TokenParserBase class for all token parsers
 CTwig_TokenParser_AutoEscapeMarks a section of a template to be escaped or not
 CTwig_TokenParser_BlockMarks a section of a template as being reusable
 CTwig_TokenParser_DoEvaluates an expression, discarding the returned value
 CTwig_TokenParser_EmbedEmbeds a template
 CTwig_TokenParser_ExtendsExtends a template by another one
 CTwig_TokenParser_FilterFilters a section of a template by applying filters
 CTwig_TokenParser_FlushFlushes the output to the client
 CTwig_TokenParser_ForLoops over each item of a sequence
 CTwig_TokenParser_FromImports macros
 CTwig_TokenParser_IfTests a condition
 CTwig_TokenParser_ImportImports macros
 CTwig_TokenParser_IncludeIncludes a template
 CTwig_TokenParser_MacroDefines a macro
 CTwig_TokenParser_SandboxMarks a section of a template as untrusted code that must be evaluated in the sandbox mode
 CTwig_TokenParser_SetDefines a variable
 CTwig_TokenParser_SpacelessRemove whitespaces between HTML tags
 CTwig_TokenParser_UseImports blocks defined in another template into the current template
 CTwig_TokenParserBrokerDefault implementation of a token parser broker
 CTwig_TokenParserBrokerInterfaceInterface implemented by token parser brokers
 CTwig_TokenParserInterfaceInterface implemented by token parsers
 CTwig_TokenStreamRepresents a token stream

This documentation for Open ecommerce PEEL Shopping and has been generated by Doxygen on Thu Oct 15 2015 14:41:45 - Peel ecommerce is a product of Agence web Advisto SAS. All rights reserved.