PEEL Shopping
Open source ecommerce : PEEL Shopping
Public Member Functions | Data Fields
PickingList Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PickingList:

Public Member Functions

 Header ()
 En-tête. More...
 Footer ()
 Pied de page. More...
 AddPage ()
 Numéro de page. More...
 FillDocument ($dateAdded1, $dateAdded2, $statut)
 PickingList::FillDocument() More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TCPDF
 __construct ($orientation='P', $unit='mm', $format='A4', $unicode=true, $encoding='UTF-8', $diskcache=false, $pdfa=false)
 This is the class constructor. More...
 __destruct ()
 Default destructor. More...
 getTCPDFVersion ()
 Return the current TCPDF version. More...
 setPageUnit ($unit)
 Set the units of measure for the document. More...
 getPageSizeFromFormat ($format)
 Get page dimensions from format name. More...
 setPageBoxes ($page, $type, $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury, $points=false)
 Set page boundaries. More...
 setPageOrientation ($orientation, $autopagebreak='', $bottommargin='')
 Set page orientation. More...
 setSpacesRE ($re='/[^\S\xa0]/')
 Set regular expression to detect withespaces or word separators. More...
 setRTL ($enable, $resetx=true)
 Enable or disable Right-To-Left language mode. More...
 getRTL ()
 Return the RTL status. More...
 setTempRTL ($mode)
 Force temporary RTL language direction. More...
 isRTLTextDir ()
 Return the current temporary RTL status. More...
 setLastH ($h)
 Set the last cell height. More...
 resetLastH ()
 Reset the last cell height. More...
 getLastH ()
 Get the last cell height. More...
 setImageScale ($scale)
 Set the adjusting factor to convert pixels to user units. More...
 getImageScale ()
 Returns the adjusting factor to convert pixels to user units. More...
 getPageDimensions ($pagenum='')
 Returns an array of page dimensions: More...
 getPageWidth ($pagenum='')
 Returns the page width in units. More...
 getPageHeight ($pagenum='')
 Returns the page height in units. More...
 getBreakMargin ($pagenum='')
 Returns the page break margin. More...
 getScaleFactor ()
 Returns the scale factor (number of points in user unit). More...
 SetMargins ($left, $top, $right=-1, $keepmargins=false)
 Defines the left, top and right margins. More...
 SetLeftMargin ($margin)
 Defines the left margin. More...
 SetTopMargin ($margin)
 Defines the top margin. More...
 SetRightMargin ($margin)
 Defines the right margin. More...
 SetCellPadding ($pad)
 Set the same internal Cell padding for top, right, bottom, left-. More...
 setCellPaddings ($left='', $top='', $right='', $bottom='')
 Set the internal Cell paddings. More...
 getCellPaddings ()
 Get the internal Cell padding array. More...
 setCellMargins ($left='', $top='', $right='', $bottom='')
 Set the internal Cell margins. More...
 getCellMargins ()
 Get the internal Cell margin array. More...
 SetAutoPageBreak ($auto, $margin=0)
 Enables or disables the automatic page breaking mode. More...
 getAutoPageBreak ()
 Return the auto-page-break mode (true or false). More...
 SetDisplayMode ($zoom, $layout='SinglePage', $mode='UseNone')
 Defines the way the document is to be displayed by the viewer. More...
 SetCompression ($compress=true)
 Activates or deactivates page compression. More...
 setSRGBmode ($mode=false)
 Set flag to force sRGB_IEC61966-2.1 black scaled ICC color profile for the whole document. More...
 SetDocInfoUnicode ($unicode=true)
 Turn on/off Unicode mode for document information dictionary (meta tags). More...
 SetTitle ($title)
 Defines the title of the document. More...
 SetSubject ($subject)
 Defines the subject of the document. More...
 SetAuthor ($author)
 Defines the author of the document. More...
 SetKeywords ($keywords)
 Associates keywords with the document, generally in the form 'keyword1 keyword2 ...'. More...
 SetCreator ($creator)
 Defines the creator of the document. More...
 Error ($msg)
 This method is automatically called in case of fatal error; it simply outputs the message and halts the execution. More...
 Open ()
 This method begins the generation of the PDF document. More...
 Close ()
 Terminates the PDF document. More...
 setPage ($pnum, $resetmargins=false)
 Move pointer at the specified document page and update page dimensions. More...
 lastPage ($resetmargins=false)
 Reset pointer to the last document page. More...
 getPage ()
 Get current document page number. More...
 getNumPages ()
 Get the total number of insered pages. More...
 addTOCPage ($orientation='', $format='', $keepmargins=false)
 Adds a new TOC (Table Of Content) page to the document. More...
 endTOCPage ()
 Terminate the current TOC (Table Of Content) page. More...
 AddPage ($orientation='', $format='', $keepmargins=false, $tocpage=false)
 Adds a new page to the document. More...
 endPage ($tocpage=false)
 Terminate the current page. More...
 startPage ($orientation='', $format='', $tocpage=false)
 Starts a new page to the document. More...
 setPageMark ()
 Set start-writing mark on current page stream used to put borders and fills. More...
 setHeaderData ($ln='', $lw=0, $ht='', $hs='', $tc=array(0, 0, 0), $lc=array(0, 0, 0))
 Set header data. More...
 setFooterData ($tc=array(0, 0, 0), $lc=array(0, 0, 0))
 Set footer data. More...
 getHeaderData ()
 Returns header data: More...
 setHeaderMargin ($hm=10)
 Set header margin. More...
 getHeaderMargin ()
 Returns header margin in user units. More...
 setFooterMargin ($fm=10)
 Set footer margin. More...
 getFooterMargin ()
 Returns footer margin in user units. More...
 setPrintHeader ($val=true)
 Set a flag to print page header. More...
 setPrintFooter ($val=true)
 Set a flag to print page footer. More...
 getImageRBX ()
 Return the right-bottom (or left-bottom for RTL) corner X coordinate of last inserted image. More...
 getImageRBY ()
 Return the right-bottom (or left-bottom for RTL) corner Y coordinate of last inserted image. More...
 resetHeaderTemplate ()
 Reset the xobject template used by Header() method. More...
 setHeaderTemplateAutoreset ($val=true)
 Set a flag to automatically reset the xobject template used by Header() method at each page. More...
 Header ()
 This method is used to render the page header. More...
 Footer ()
 This method is used to render the page footer. More...
 PageNo ()
 Returns the current page number. More...
 AddSpotColor ($name, $c, $m, $y, $k)
 Defines a new spot color. More...
 getSpotColor ($name)
 Return the Spot color array. More...
 setSpotColor ($type, $name, $tint=100)
 Set the spot color for the specified type ('draw', 'fill', 'text'). More...
 SetDrawSpotColor ($name, $tint=100)
 Defines the spot color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders). More...
 SetFillSpotColor ($name, $tint=100)
 Defines the spot color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds). More...
 SetTextSpotColor ($name, $tint=100)
 Defines the spot color used for text. More...
 setColorArray ($type, $color, $ret=false)
 Set the color array for the specified type ('draw', 'fill', 'text'). More...
 SetDrawColorArray ($color, $ret=false)
 Defines the color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders). More...
 SetFillColorArray ($color, $ret=false)
 Defines the color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds). More...
 SetTextColorArray ($color, $ret=false)
 Defines the color used for text. More...
 setColor ($type, $col1=0, $col2=-1, $col3=-1, $col4=-1, $ret=false, $name='')
 Defines the color used by the specified type ('draw', 'fill', 'text'). More...
 SetDrawColor ($col1=0, $col2=-1, $col3=-1, $col4=-1, $ret=false, $name='')
 Defines the color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders). More...
 SetFillColor ($col1=0, $col2=-1, $col3=-1, $col4=-1, $ret=false, $name='')
 Defines the color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds). More...
 SetTextColor ($col1=0, $col2=-1, $col3=-1, $col4=-1, $ret=false, $name='')
 Defines the color used for text. More...
 GetStringWidth ($s, $fontname='', $fontstyle='', $fontsize=0, $getarray=false)
 Returns the length of a string in user unit. More...
 GetArrStringWidth ($sa, $fontname='', $fontstyle='', $fontsize=0, $getarray=false)
 Returns the string length of an array of chars in user unit or an array of characters widths. More...
 GetCharWidth ($char, $notlast=true)
 Returns the length of the char in user unit for the current font considering current stretching and spacing (tracking). More...
 getRawCharWidth ($char)
 Returns the length of the char in user unit for the current font. More...
 GetNumChars ($s)
 Returns the numbero of characters in a string. More...
 AddFont ($family, $style='', $fontfile='', $subset='default')
 Imports a TrueType, Type1, core, or CID0 font and makes it available. More...
 SetFont ($family, $style='', $size=null, $fontfile='', $subset='default', $out=true)
 Sets the font used to print character strings. More...
 SetFontSize ($size, $out=true)
 Defines the size of the current font. More...
 getFontBBox ()
 Returns the bounding box of the current font in user units. More...
 getAbsFontMeasure ($s)
 Convert a relative font measure into absolute value. More...
 getCharBBox ($char)
 Returns the glyph bounding box of the specified character in the current font in user units. More...
 getFontDescent ($font, $style='', $size=0)
 Return the font descent value. More...
 getFontAscent ($font, $style='', $size=0)
 Return the font ascent value. More...
 isCharDefined ($char, $font='', $style='')
 Return true in the character is present in the specified font. More...
 replaceMissingChars ($text, $font='', $style='', $subs=array())
 Replace missing font characters on selected font with specified substitutions. More...
 SetDefaultMonospacedFont ($font)
 Defines the default monospaced font. More...
 AddLink ()
 Creates a new internal link and returns its identifier. More...
 SetLink ($link, $y=0, $page=-1)
 Defines the page and position a link points to. More...
 Link ($x, $y, $w, $h, $link, $spaces=0)
 Puts a link on a rectangular area of the page. More...
 Annotation ($x, $y, $w, $h, $text, $opt=array('Subtype'=>'Text'), $spaces=0)
 Puts a markup annotation on a rectangular area of the page. More...
 Text ($x, $y, $txt, $fstroke=false, $fclip=false, $ffill=true, $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=false, $link='', $stretch=0, $ignore_min_height=false, $calign='T', $valign='M', $rtloff=false)
 Prints a text cell at the specified position. More...
 AcceptPageBreak ()
 Whenever a page break condition is met, the method is called, and the break is issued or not depending on the returned value. More...
 removeSHY ($txt='')
 Removes SHY characters from text. More...
 Cell ($w, $h=0, $txt='', $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=false, $link='', $stretch=0, $ignore_min_height=false, $calign='T', $valign='M')
 Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. More...
 MultiCell ($w, $h, $txt, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=false, $ln=1, $x='', $y='', $reseth=true, $stretch=0, $ishtml=false, $autopadding=true, $maxh=0, $valign='T', $fitcell=false)
 This method allows printing text with line breaks. More...
 getNumLines ($txt, $w=0, $reseth=false, $autopadding=true, $cellpadding='', $border=0)
 This method return the estimated number of lines for print a simple text string using Multicell() method. More...
 getStringHeight ($w, $txt, $reseth=false, $autopadding=true, $cellpadding='', $border=0)
 This method return the estimated height needed for printing a simple text string using the Multicell() method. More...
 Write ($h, $txt, $link='', $fill=false, $align='', $ln=false, $stretch=0, $firstline=false, $firstblock=false, $maxh=0, $wadj=0, $margin='')
 This method prints text from the current position. More...
 UTF8ArrSubString ($strarr, $start='', $end='')
 Extract a slice of the $strarr array and return it as string. More...
 UniArrSubString ($uniarr, $start='', $end='')
 Extract a slice of the $uniarr array and return it as string. More...
 UTF8ArrayToUniArray ($ta)
 Convert an array of UTF8 values to array of unicode characters. More...
 unichr ($c)
 Returns the unicode caracter specified by UTF-8 value. More...
 getImageFileType ($imgfile, $iminfo=array())
 Return the image type given the file name or array returned by getimagesize() function. More...
 Image ($file, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $type='', $link='', $align='', $resize=false, $dpi=300, $palign='', $ismask=false, $imgmask=false, $border=0, $fitbox=false, $hidden=false, $fitonpage=false, $alt=false, $altimgs=array())
 Puts an image in the page. More...
 set_mqr ($mqr)
 Sets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime (if the set_magic_quotes_runtime function exist) More...
 get_mqr ()
 Gets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime (if the get_magic_quotes_runtime function exist) More...
 Ln ($h='', $cell=false)
 Performs a line break. More...
 GetX ()
 Returns the relative X value of current position. More...
 GetAbsX ()
 Returns the absolute X value of current position. More...
 GetY ()
 Returns the ordinate of the current position. More...
 SetX ($x, $rtloff=false)
 Defines the abscissa of the current position. More...
 SetY ($y, $resetx=true, $rtloff=false)
 Moves the current abscissa back to the left margin and sets the ordinate. More...
 SetXY ($x, $y, $rtloff=false)
 Defines the abscissa and ordinate of the current position. More...
 SetAbsX ($x)
 Set the absolute X coordinate of the current pointer. More...
 SetAbsY ($y)
 Set the absolute Y coordinate of the current pointer. More...
 SetAbsXY ($x, $y)
 Set the absolute X and Y coordinates of the current pointer. More...
 Output ($name='doc.pdf', $dest='I')
 Send the document to a given destination: string, local file or browser. More...
 _destroy ($destroyall=false, $preserve_objcopy=false)
 Unset all class variables except the following critical variables. More...
 addTTFfont ($fontfile, $fonttype='', $enc='', $flags=32, $outpath='', $platid=3, $encid=1, $addcbbox=false)
 Convert and add the selected TrueType or Type1 font to the fonts folder (that must be writeable). More...
 setExtraXMP ($xmp)
 Set additional XMP data to be added on the default XMP data just before the end of "x:xmpmeta" tag. More...
 setDocCreationTimestamp ($time)
 Set the document creation timestamp. More...
 setDocModificationTimestamp ($time)
 Set the document modification timestamp. More...
 getDocCreationTimestamp ()
 Returns document creation timestamp in seconds. More...
 getDocModificationTimestamp ()
 Returns document modification timestamp in seconds. More...
 getTimestamp ($date)
 Returns timestamp in seconds from formatted date-time. More...
 getFormattedDate ($time)
 Returns a formatted date-time. More...
 setHeaderFont ($font)
 Set header font. More...
 getHeaderFont ()
 Get header font. More...
 setFooterFont ($font)
 Set footer font. More...
 getFooterFont ()
 Get Footer font. More...
 setLanguageArray ($language)
 Set language array. More...
 getPDFData ()
 Returns the PDF data. More...
 addHtmlLink ($url, $name, $fill=false, $firstline=false, $color='', $style=-1, $firstblock=false)
 Output anchor link. More...
 convertHTMLColorToDec ($hcolor='#FFFFFF', $defcol=array('R'=>128,'G'=>128,'B'=>128))
 Returns an array (RGB or CMYK) from an html color name, or a six-digit (i.e. More...
 pixelsToUnits ($px)
 Converts pixels to User's Units. More...
 unhtmlentities ($text_to_convert)
 Reverse function for htmlentities. More...
 SetProtection ($permissions=array('print', 'modify', 'copy', 'annot-forms', 'fill-forms', 'extract', 'assemble', 'print-high'), $user_pass='', $owner_pass=null, $mode=0, $pubkeys=null)
 Set document protection Remark: the protection against modification is for people who have the full Acrobat product. More...
 StartTransform ()
 Starts a 2D tranformation saving current graphic state. More...
 StopTransform ()
 Stops a 2D tranformation restoring previous graphic state. More...
 ScaleX ($s_x, $x='', $y='')
 Horizontal Scaling. More...
 ScaleY ($s_y, $x='', $y='')
 Vertical Scaling. More...
 ScaleXY ($s, $x='', $y='')
 Vertical and horizontal proportional Scaling. More...
 Scale ($s_x, $s_y, $x='', $y='')
 Vertical and horizontal non-proportional Scaling. More...
 MirrorH ($x='')
 Horizontal Mirroring. More...
 MirrorV ($y='')
 Verical Mirroring. More...
 MirrorP ($x='', $y='')
 Point reflection mirroring. More...
 MirrorL ($angle=0, $x='', $y='')
 Reflection against a straight line through point (x, y) with the gradient angle (angle). More...
 TranslateX ($t_x)
 Translate graphic object horizontally. More...
 TranslateY ($t_y)
 Translate graphic object vertically. More...
 Translate ($t_x, $t_y)
 Translate graphic object horizontally and vertically. More...
 Rotate ($angle, $x='', $y='')
 Rotate object. More...
 SkewX ($angle_x, $x='', $y='')
 Skew horizontally. More...
 SkewY ($angle_y, $x='', $y='')
 Skew vertically. More...
 Skew ($angle_x, $angle_y, $x='', $y='')
 Skew. More...
 SetLineWidth ($width)
 Defines the line width. More...
 GetLineWidth ()
 Returns the current the line width. More...
 SetLineStyle ($style, $ret=false)
 Set line style. More...
 Line ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $style=array())
 Draws a line between two points. More...
 Rect ($x, $y, $w, $h, $style='', $border_style=array(), $fill_color=array())
 Draws a rectangle. More...
 Curve ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array())
 Draws a Bezier curve. More...
 Polycurve ($x0, $y0, $segments, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array())
 Draws a poly-Bezier curve. More...
 Ellipse ($x0, $y0, $rx, $ry='', $angle=0, $astart=0, $afinish=360, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $nc=2)
 Draws an ellipse. More...
 Circle ($x0, $y0, $r, $angstr=0, $angend=360, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $nc=2)
 Draws a circle. More...
 PolyLine ($p, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array())
 Draws a polygonal line. More...
 Polygon ($p, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $closed=true)
 Draws a polygon. More...
 RegularPolygon ($x0, $y0, $r, $ns, $angle=0, $draw_circle=false, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $circle_style='', $circle_outLine_style=array(), $circle_fill_color=array())
 Draws a regular polygon. More...
 StarPolygon ($x0, $y0, $r, $nv, $ng, $angle=0, $draw_circle=false, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $circle_style='', $circle_outLine_style=array(), $circle_fill_color=array())
 Draws a star polygon. More...
 RoundedRect ($x, $y, $w, $h, $r, $round_corner='1111', $style='', $border_style=array(), $fill_color=array())
 Draws a rounded rectangle. More...
 RoundedRectXY ($x, $y, $w, $h, $rx, $ry, $round_corner='1111', $style='', $border_style=array(), $fill_color=array())
 Draws a rounded rectangle. More...
 Arrow ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $head_style=0, $arm_size=5, $arm_angle=15)
 Draws a grahic arrow. More...
 setDestination ($name, $y=-1, $page='', $x=-1)
 Add a Named Destination. More...
 getDestination ()
 Return the Named Destination array. More...
 setBookmark ($txt, $level=0, $y=-1, $page='', $style='', $color=array(0, 0, 0))
 Adds a bookmark - alias for Bookmark(). More...
 Bookmark ($txt, $level=0, $y=-1, $page='', $style='', $color=array(0, 0, 0), $x=-1)
 Adds a bookmark. More...
 IncludeJS ($script)
 Adds a javascript. More...
 addJavascriptObject ($script, $onload=false)
 Adds a javascript object and return object ID. More...
 setFormDefaultProp ($prop=array())
 Set default properties for form fields. More...
 getFormDefaultProp ()
 Return the default properties for form fields. More...
 TextField ($name, $w, $h, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $x='', $y='', $js=false)
 Creates a text field. More...
 RadioButton ($name, $w, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $onvalue='On', $checked=false, $x='', $y='', $js=false)
 Creates a RadioButton field. More...
 ListBox ($name, $w, $h, $values, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $x='', $y='', $js=false)
 Creates a List-box field. More...
 ComboBox ($name, $w, $h, $values, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $x='', $y='', $js=false)
 Creates a Combo-box field. More...
 CheckBox ($name, $w, $checked=false, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $onvalue='Yes', $x='', $y='', $js=false)
 Creates a CheckBox field. More...
 Button ($name, $w, $h, $caption, $action, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $x='', $y='', $js=false)
 Creates a button field. More...
 setUserRights ($enable=true, $document='/FullSave', $annots='/Create/Delete/Modify/Copy/Import/Export', $form='/Add/Delete/FillIn/Import/Export/SubmitStandalone/SpawnTemplate', $signature='/Modify', $ef='/Create/Delete/Modify/Import', $formex='')
 Set User's Rights for PDF Reader WARNING: This is experimental and currently do not work. More...
 setSignature ($signing_cert='', $private_key='', $private_key_password='', $extracerts='', $cert_type=2, $info=array())
 Enable document signature (requires the OpenSSL Library). More...
 setSignatureAppearance ($x=0, $y=0, $w=0, $h=0, $page=-1)
 Set the digital signature appearance (a cliccable rectangle area to get signature properties) More...
 addEmptySignatureAppearance ($x=0, $y=0, $w=0, $h=0, $page=-1)
 Add an empty digital signature appearance (a cliccable rectangle area to get signature properties) More...
 startPageGroup ($page= '')
 Create a new page group. More...
 AliasNbPages ($s='')
 This method is DEPRECATED and doesn't have any effect. More...
 AliasNumPage ($s='')
 This method is DEPRECATED and doesn't have any effect. More...
 setStartingPageNumber ($num=1)
 Set the starting page number. More...
 getAliasRightShift ()
 Returns the string alias used right align page numbers. More...
 getAliasNbPages ()
 Returns the string alias used for the total number of pages. More...
 getAliasNumPage ()
 Returns the string alias used for the page number. More...
 getPageGroupAlias ()
 Return the alias for the total number of pages in the current page group. More...
 getPageNumGroupAlias ()
 Return the alias for the page number on the current page group. More...
 getGroupPageNo ()
 Return the current page in the group. More...
 getGroupPageNoFormatted ()
 Returns the current group page number formatted as a string. More...
 PageNoFormatted ()
 Returns the current page number formatted as a string. More...
 startLayer ($name='', $print=true, $view=true)
 Start a new pdf layer. More...
 endLayer ()
 End the current PDF layer. More...
 setVisibility ($v)
 Set the visibility of the successive elements. More...
 setOverprint ($stroking=true, $nonstroking='', $mode=0)
 Set overprint mode for stroking (OP) and non-stroking (op) painting operations. More...
 getOverprint ()
 Get the overprint mode array (OP, op, OPM). More...
 setAlpha ($stroking=1, $bm='Normal', $nonstroking='', $ais=false)
 Set alpha for stroking (CA) and non-stroking (ca) operations. More...
 getAlpha ()
 Get the alpha mode array (CA, ca, BM, AIS). More...
 setJPEGQuality ($quality)
 Set the default JPEG compression quality (1-100) More...
 setDefaultTableColumns ($cols=4)
 Set the default number of columns in a row for HTML tables. More...
 setCellHeightRatio ($h)
 Set the height of the cell (line height) respect the font height. More...
 getCellHeightRatio ()
 return the height of cell repect font height. More...
 setPDFVersion ($version='1.7')
 Set the PDF version (check PDF reference for valid values). More...
 setViewerPreferences ($preferences)
 Set the viewer preferences dictionary controlling the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print. More...
 colorRegistrationBar ($x, $y, $w, $h, $transition=true, $vertical=false, $colors='A, R, G, B, C, M, Y, K')
 Paints color transition registration bars. More...
 cropMark ($x, $y, $w, $h, $type='T, R, B, L', $color=array(0, 0, 0))
 Paints crop marks. More...
 registrationMark ($x, $y, $r, $double=false, $cola=array(0, 0, 0), $colb=array(255, 255, 255))
 Paints a registration mark. More...
 LinearGradient ($x, $y, $w, $h, $col1=array(), $col2=array(), $coords=array(0, 0, 1, 0))
 Paints a linear colour gradient. More...
 RadialGradient ($x, $y, $w, $h, $col1=array(), $col2=array(), $coords=array(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1))
 Paints a radial colour gradient. More...
 CoonsPatchMesh ($x, $y, $w, $h, $col1=array(), $col2=array(), $col3=array(), $col4=array(), $coords=array(0.00, 0.0, 0.33, 0.00, 0.67, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.33, 1.00, 0.67, 1.00, 1.00, 0.67, 1.00, 0.33, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.67, 0.00, 0.33), $coords_min=0, $coords_max=1, $antialias=false)
 Paints a coons patch mesh. More...
 Gradient ($type, $coords, $stops, $background=array(), $antialias=false)
 Output gradient. More...
 PieSector ($xc, $yc, $r, $a, $b, $style='FD', $cw=true, $o=90)
 Draw the sector of a circle. More...
 PieSectorXY ($xc, $yc, $rx, $ry, $a, $b, $style='FD', $cw=false, $o=0, $nc=2)
 Draw the sector of an ellipse. More...
 ImageEps ($file, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $link='', $useBoundingBox=true, $align='', $palign='', $border=0, $fitonpage=false, $fixoutvals=false)
 Embed vector-based Adobe Illustrator (AI) or AI-compatible EPS files. More...
 setBarcode ($bc='')
 Set document barcode. More...
 getBarcode ()
 Get current barcode. More...
 write1DBarcode ($code, $type, $x='', $y='', $w='', $h='', $xres='', $style='', $align='')
 Print a Linear Barcode. More...
 writeBarcode ($x, $y, $w, $h, $type, $style, $font, $xres, $code)
 This function is DEPRECATED, please use the new write1DBarcode() function. More...
 write2DBarcode ($code, $type, $x='', $y='', $w='', $h='', $style='', $align='', $distort=false)
 Print 2D Barcode. More...
 getMargins ()
 Returns an array containing current margins: More...
 getOriginalMargins ()
 Returns an array containing original margins: More...
 getFontSize ()
 Returns the current font size. More...
 getFontSizePt ()
 Returns the current font size in points unit. More...
 getFontFamily ()
 Returns the current font family name. More...
 getFontStyle ()
 Returns the current font style. More...
 fixHTMLCode ($html, $default_css='', $tagvs='', $tidy_options='')
 Cleanup HTML code (requires HTML Tidy library). More...
 getCSSPadding ($csspadding, $width=0)
 Get the internal Cell padding from CSS attribute. More...
 getCSSMargin ($cssmargin, $width=0)
 Get the internal Cell margin from CSS attribute. More...
 getCSSBorderMargin ($cssbspace, $width=0)
 Get the border-spacing from CSS attribute. More...
 writeHTMLCell ($w, $h, $x, $y, $html='', $border=0, $ln=0, $fill=false, $reseth=true, $align='', $autopadding=true)
 Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and html text string. More...
 writeHTML ($html, $ln=true, $fill=false, $reseth=false, $cell=false, $align='')
 Allows to preserve some HTML formatting (limited support). More...
 setLIsymbol ($symbol='!')
 Set the default bullet to be used as LI bullet symbol. More...
 SetBooklet ($booklet=true, $inner=-1, $outer=-1)
 Set the booklet mode for double-sided pages. More...
 setHtmlVSpace ($tagvs)
 Set the vertical spaces for HTML tags. More...
 setListIndentWidth ($width)
 Set custom width for list indentation. More...
 setOpenCell ($isopen)
 Set the top/bottom cell sides to be open or closed when the cell cross the page. More...
 setHtmlLinksStyle ($color=array(0, 0, 255), $fontstyle='U')
 Set the color and font style for HTML links. More...
 getHTMLUnitToUnits ($htmlval, $refsize=1, $defaultunit='px', $points=false)
 Convert HTML string containing value and unit of measure to user's units or points. More...
 intToRoman ($number)
 Returns the Roman representation of an integer number. More...
 movePage ($frompage, $topage)
 Move a page to a previous position. More...
 deletePage ($page)
 Remove the specified page. More...
 copyPage ($page=0)
 Clone the specified page to a new page. More...
 addTOC ($page='', $numbersfont='', $filler='.', $toc_name='TOC', $style='', $color=array(0, 0, 0))
 Output a Table of Content Index (TOC). More...
 addHTMLTOC ($page='', $toc_name='TOC', $templates=array(), $correct_align=true, $style='', $color=array(0, 0, 0))
 Output a Table Of Content Index (TOC) using HTML templates. More...
 startTransaction ()
 Stores a copy of the current TCPDF object used for undo operation. More...
 commitTransaction ()
 Delete the copy of the current TCPDF object used for undo operation. More...
 rollbackTransaction ($self=false)
 This method allows to undo the latest transaction by returning the latest saved TCPDF object with startTransaction(). More...
 objclone ($object)
 Creates a copy of a class object. More...
 empty_string ($str)
 Determine whether a string is empty. More...
 revstrpos ($haystack, $needle, $offset=0)
 Find position of last occurrence of a substring in a string. More...
 setEqualColumns ($numcols=0, $width=0, $y='')
 Set multiple columns of the same size. More...
 resetColumns ()
 Remove columns and reset page margins. More...
 setColumnsArray ($columns)
 Set columns array. More...
 selectColumn ($col='')
 Set position at a given column. More...
 getColumn ()
 Return the current column number. More...
 getNumberOfColumns ()
 Return the current number of columns. More...
 serializeTCPDFtagParameters ($pararray)
 Serialize an array of parameters to be used with TCPDF tag in HTML code. More...
 setTextRenderingMode ($stroke=0, $fill=true, $clip=false)
 Set Text rendering mode. More...
 setTextShadow ($params=array('enabled'=>false, 'depth_w'=>0, 'depth_h'=>0, 'color'=>false, 'opacity'=>1, 'blend_mode'=>'Normal'))
 Set parameters for drop shadow effect for text. More...
 getTextShadow ()
 Return the text shadow parameters array. More...
 getHyphenPatternsFromTEX ($file)
 Returns an array of hyphenation patterns. More...
 hyphenateText ($text, $patterns, $dictionary=array(), $leftmin=1, $rightmin=2, $charmin=1, $charmax=8)
 Returns text with soft hyphens. More...
 setRasterizeVectorImages ($mode)
 Enable/disable rasterization of vector images using ImageMagick library. More...
 setFontSubsetting ($enable=true)
 Enable or disable default option for font subsetting. More...
 getFontSubsetting ()
 Return the default option for font subsetting. More...
 stringLeftTrim ($str, $replace='')
 Left trim the input string. More...
 stringRightTrim ($str, $replace='')
 Right trim the input string. More...
 stringTrim ($str, $replace='')
 Trim the input string. More...
 isUnicodeFont ()
 Return true if the current font is unicode type. More...
 getFontFamilyName ($fontfamily)
 Return normalized font name. More...
 startTemplate ($w=0, $h=0, $group=false)
 Start a new XObject Template. More...
 endTemplate ()
 End the current XObject Template started with startTemplate() and restore the previous graphic state. More...
 printTemplate ($id, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $align='', $palign='', $fitonpage=false)
 Print an XObject Template. More...
 setFontStretching ($perc=100)
 Set the percentage of character stretching. More...
 getFontStretching ()
 Get the percentage of character stretching. More...
 setFontSpacing ($spacing=0)
 Set the amount to increase or decrease the space between characters in a text. More...
 getFontSpacing ()
 Get the amount to increase or decrease the space between characters in a text. More...
 getPageRegions ()
 Return an array of no-write page regions. More...
 setPageRegions ($regions=array())
 Set no-write regions on page. More...
 addPageRegion ($region)
 Add a single no-write region on selected page. More...
 removePageRegion ($key)
 Remove a single no-write region. More...
 ImageSVG ($file, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $link='', $align='', $palign='', $border=0, $fitonpage=false)
 Embedd a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image. More...

Data Fields


Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from TCPDF
 setPageFormat ($format, $orientation='P')
 Change the format of the current page. More...
 swapPageBoxCoordinates ($page)
 Swap X and Y coordinates of page boxes (change page boxes orientation). More...
 adjustCellPadding ($brd=0)
 Adjust the internal Cell padding array to take account of the line width. More...
 setContentMark ($page=0)
 Set start-writing mark on selected page. More...
 setHeader ()
 This method is used to render the page header. More...
 setFooter ()
 This method is used to render the page footer. More...
 inPageBody ()
 Check if we are on the page body (excluding page header and footer). More...
 setTableHeader ()
 This method is used to render the table header on new page (if any). More...
 getColorStringFromArray ($c)
 Convert a color array into a string representation. More...
 getFontsList ()
 Fill the list of available fonts ($this->fontlist). More...
 _putEmbeddedFiles ()
 Embedd the attached files. More...
 checkPageBreak ($h=0, $y='', $addpage=true)
 Add page if needed. More...
 getCellCode ($w, $h=0, $txt='', $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=false, $link='', $stretch=0, $ignore_min_height=false, $calign='T', $valign='M')
 Returns the PDF string code to print a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. More...
 replaceChar ($oldchar, $newchar)
 Replace a char if is defined on the current font. More...
 getCellBorder ($x, $y, $w, $h, $brd)
 Returns the code to draw the cell border. More...
 getBorderMode ($brd, $position='start')
 Get the border mode accounting for multicell position (opens bottom side of multicell crossing pages) More...
 getRemainingWidth ()
 Returns the remaining width between the current position and margins. More...
 fitBlock ($w, $h, $x, $y, $fitonpage=false)
 Set the block dimensions accounting for page breaks and page/column fitting. More...
 _toJPEG ($image)
 Convert the loaded image to a JPEG and then return a structure for the PDF creator. More...
 _toPNG ($image)
 Convert the loaded image to a PNG and then return a structure for the PDF creator. More...
 _setGDImageTransparency ($new_image, $image)
 Set the transparency for the given GD image. More...
 _parsejpeg ($file)
 Extract info from a JPEG file without using the GD library. More...
 _parsepng ($file)
 Extract info from a PNG file without using the GD library. More...
 rfread ($handle, $length)
 Binary-safe and URL-safe file read. More...
 ImagePngAlpha ($file, $x, $y, $wpx, $hpx, $w, $h, $type, $link, $align, $resize, $dpi, $palign, $filehash='')
 Extract info from a PNG image with alpha channel using the GD library. More...
 getGDgamma ($c)
 Get the GD-corrected PNG gamma value from alpha color. More...
 sendOutputData ($data, $length)
 Ouput input data and compress it if possible. More...
 _dochecks ()
 Check for locale-related bug. More...
 _getfontpath ()
 Return fonts path. More...
 getInternalPageNumberAliases ($a= '')
 Return an array containing variations for the basic page number alias. More...
 getAllInternalPageNumberAliases ()
 Return an array containing all internal page aliases. More...
 replacePageNumAliases ($page, $replace, $diff=0)
 Replace page number aliases with number. More...
 replaceRightShiftPageNumAliases ($page, $aliases, $diff)
 Replace right shift page number aliases with spaces to correct right alignment. More...
 setPageBoxTypes ($boxes)
 Set page boxes to be included on page descriptions. More...
 _putpages ()
 Output pages (and replace page number aliases). More...
 _putannotsrefs ($n)
 Output references to page annotations. More...
 _getannotsrefs ($n)
 Get references to page annotations. More...
 _putannotsobjs ()
 Output annotations objects for all pages. More...
 _putAPXObject ($w=0, $h=0, $stream='')
 Put appearance streams XObject used to define annotation's appearance states. More...
 _getULONG ($str, $offset)
 Get ULONG from string (Big Endian 32-bit unsigned integer). More...
 _getUSHORT ($str, $offset)
 Get USHORT from string (Big Endian 16-bit unsigned integer). More...
 _getSHORT ($str, $offset)
 Get SHORT from string (Big Endian 16-bit signed integer). More...
 _getFWORD ($str, $offset)
 Get FWORD from string (Big Endian 16-bit signed integer). More...
 _getUFWORD ($str, $offset)
 Get UFWORD from string (Big Endian 16-bit unsigned integer). More...
 _getFIXED ($str, $offset)
 Get FIXED from string (32-bit signed fixed-point number (16.16). More...
 _getBYTE ($str, $offset)
 Get BYTE from string (8-bit unsigned integer). More...
 updateCIDtoGIDmap ($map, $cid, $gid)
 Update the CIDToGIDMap string with a new value. More...
 _getTrueTypeFontSubset ($font, $subsetchars)
 Returns a subset of the TrueType font data without the unused glyphs. More...
 _getTTFtableChecksum ($table, $length)
 Returs the checksum of a TTF table. More...
 _putfontwidths ($font, $cidoffset=0)
 Outputs font widths. More...
 _putfonts ()
 Output fonts. More...
 _puttruetypeunicode ($font)
 Adds unicode fonts. More...
 _putcidfont0 ($font)
 Output CID-0 fonts. More...
 _putimages ()
 Output images. More...
 _putxobjects ()
 Output Form XObjects Templates. More...
 _putspotcolors ()
 Output Spot Colors Resources. More...
 _getxobjectdict ()
 Return XObjects Dictionary. More...
 _putresourcedict ()
 Output Resources Dictionary. More...
 _putresources ()
 Output Resources. More...
 _putinfo ()
 Adds some Metadata information (Document Information Dictionary) (see Chapter 14.3.3 Document Information Dictionary of PDF32000_2008.pdf Reference) More...
 _putXMP ()
 Put XMP data object and return ID. More...
 _putcatalog ()
 Output Catalog. More...
 _putviewerpreferences ()
 Output viewer preferences. More...
 _putheader ()
 Output PDF File Header (7.5.2). More...
 _enddoc ()
 Output end of document (EOF). More...
 _beginpage ($orientation='', $format='')
 Initialize a new page. More...
 _endpage ()
 Mark end of page. More...
 _newobj ()
 Begin a new object and return the object number. More...
 _getobj ($objid='')
 Return the starting object string for the selected object ID. More...
 _dounderline ($x, $y, $txt)
 Underline text. More...
 _dounderlinew ($x, $y, $w)
 Underline for rectangular text area. More...
 _dolinethrough ($x, $y, $txt)
 Line through text. More...
 _dolinethroughw ($x, $y, $w)
 Line through for rectangular text area. More...
 _dooverline ($x, $y, $txt)
 Overline text. More...
 _dooverlinew ($x, $y, $w)
 Overline for rectangular text area. More...
 _freadint ($f)
 Read a 4-byte (32 bit) integer from file. More...
 _escape ($s)
 Add "\" before "\", "(" and ")". More...
 _datastring ($s, $n=0)
 Format a data string for meta information. More...
 _datestring ($n=0, $timestamp=0)
 Returns a formatted date for meta information. More...
 _textstring ($s, $n=0)
 Format a text string for meta information. More...
 _escapetext ($s)
 THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED Format a text string. More...
 _escapeXML ($str)
 Escape some special characters (< > &) for XML output. More...
 _getrawstream ($s, $n=0)
 get raw output stream. More...
 _getstream ($s, $n=0)
 Format output stream (DEPRECATED). More...
 _putstream ($s, $n=0)
 Output a stream (DEPRECATED). More...
 _out ($s)
 Output a string to the document. More...
 UTF8StringToArray ($str)
 Converts UTF-8 strings to codepoints array. More...
 UTF8ToUTF16BE ($str, $setbom=false)
 Converts UTF-8 strings to UTF16-BE. More...
 UTF8ToLatin1 ($str)
 Converts UTF-8 strings to Latin1 when using the standard 14 core fonts. More...
 UTF8ArrToLatin1 ($unicode)
 Converts UTF-8 characters array to array of Latin1 characters
 arrUTF8ToUTF16BE ($unicode, $setbom=false)
 Converts array of UTF-8 characters to UTF16-BE string. More...
 getRandomSeed ($seed='')
 Returns a string containing random data to be used as a seed for encryption methods. More...
 _objectkey ($n)
 Compute encryption key depending on object number where the encrypted data is stored. More...
 _encrypt_data ($n, $s)
 Encrypt the input string. More...
 _putencryption ()
 Put encryption on PDF document. More...
 _RC4 ($key, $text)
 Returns the input text encrypted using RC4 algorithm and the specified key. More...
 _AES ($key, $text)
 Returns the input text exrypted using AES algorithm and the specified key. More...
 _md5_16 ($str)
 Encrypts a string using MD5 and returns it's value as a binary string. More...
 _Uvalue ()
 Compute U value (used for encryption) More...
 _UEvalue ()
 Compute UE value (used for encryption) More...
 _Ovalue ()
 Compute O value (used for encryption) More...
 _OEvalue ()
 Compute OE value (used for encryption) More...
 _fixAES256Password ($password)
 Convert password for AES-256 encryption mode. More...
 _generateencryptionkey ()
 Compute encryption key. More...
 getUserPermissionCode ($permissions, $mode=0)
 Return the premission code used on encryption (P value). More...
 convertHexStringToString ($bs)
 Convert hexadecimal string to string. More...
 convertStringToHexString ($s)
 Convert string to hexadecimal string (byte string) More...
 getEncPermissionsString ($protection)
 Convert encryption P value to a string of bytes, low-order byte first. More...
 Transform ($tm)
 Apply graphic transformations. More...
 _outPoint ($x, $y)
 Begin a new subpath by moving the current point to coordinates (x, y), omitting any connecting line segment. More...
 _outLine ($x, $y)
 Append a straight line segment from the current point to the point (x, y). More...
 _outRect ($x, $y, $w, $h, $op)
 Append a rectangle to the current path as a complete subpath, with lower-left corner (x, y) and dimensions widthand height in user space. More...
 _outCurve ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
 Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. More...
 _outCurveV ($x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
 Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. More...
 _outCurveY ($x1, $y1, $x3, $y3)
 Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. More...
 _outellipticalarc ($xc, $yc, $rx, $ry, $xang=0, $angs=0, $angf=360, $pie=false, $nc=2, $startpoint=true, $ccw=true, $svg=false)
 Append an elliptical arc to the current path. More...
 utf8StrRev ($str, $setbom=false, $forcertl=false)
 Reverse the RLT substrings using the Bidirectional Algorithm ( More...
 utf8StrArrRev ($arr, $str='', $setbom=false, $forcertl=false)
 Reverse the RLT substrings array using the Bidirectional Algorithm ( More...
 utf8Bidi ($ta, $str='', $forcertl=false)
 Reverse the RLT substrings using the Bidirectional Algorithm ( More...
 encodeNameObject ($name)
 Encode a name object. More...
 _putdests ()
 Insert Named Destinations. More...
 sortBookmarks ()
 Sort bookmarks for page and key. More...
 _putbookmarks ()
 Create a bookmark PDF string. More...
 _putjavascript ()
 Create a javascript PDF string. More...
 _JScolor ($color)
 Convert color to javascript color. More...
 _addfield ($type, $name, $x, $y, $w, $h, $prop)
 Adds a javascript form field. More...
 getAnnotOptFromJSProp ($prop)
 Convert JavaScript form fields properties array to Annotation Properties array. More...
 _putsignature ()
 Add certification signature (DocMDP or UR3) You can set only one signature type. More...
 getSignatureAppearanceArray ($x=0, $y=0, $w=0, $h=0, $page=-1)
 Get the array that defines the signature appearance (page and rectangle coordinates). More...
 formatPageNumber ($num)
 Format the page numbers. More...
 formatTOCPageNumber ($num)
 Format the page numbers on the Table Of Content. More...
 _putocg ()
 Put pdf layers. More...
 addExtGState ($parms)
 Add transparency parameters to the current extgstate. More...
 setExtGState ($gs)
 Add an extgstate. More...
 _putextgstates ()
 Put extgstates for object transparency. More...
 Clip ($x, $y, $w, $h)
 Set a rectangular clipping area. More...
 _putshaders ()
 Output gradient shaders. More...
 extractCSSproperties ($cssdata)
 Extracts the CSS properties from a CSS string. More...
 isValidCSSSelectorForTag ($dom, $key, $selector)
 Returns true if the CSS selector is valid for the selected HTML tag. More...
 getCSSdataArray ($dom, $key, $css)
 Returns the styles array that apply for the selected HTML tag. More...
 getTagStyleFromCSSarray ($css)
 Compact CSS data array into single string. More...
 getCSSBorderWidth ($width)
 Returns the border width from CSS property. More...
 getCSSBorderDashStyle ($style)
 Returns the border dash style from CSS property. More...
 getCSSBorderStyle ($cssborder)
 Returns the border style array from CSS border properties. More...
 getCSSFontSpacing ($spacing, $parent=0)
 Returns the letter-spacing value from CSS value. More...
 getCSSFontStretching ($stretch, $parent=100)
 Returns the percentage of font stretching from CSS value. More...
 getHtmlDomArray ($html)
 Returns the HTML DOM array. More...
 getSpaceString ()
 Returns the string used to find spaces. More...
 openHTMLTagHandler ($dom, $key, $cell)
 Process opening tags. More...
 closeHTMLTagHandler ($dom, $key, $cell, $maxbottomliney=0)
 Process closing tags. More...
 addHTMLVertSpace ($hbz=0, $hb=0, $cell=false, $firsttag=false, $lasttag=false)
 Add vertical spaces if needed. More...
 getBorderStartPosition ()
 Return the starting coordinates to draw an html border. More...
 drawHTMLTagBorder ($tag, $xmax)
 Draw an HTML block border and fill. More...
 swapMargins ($reverse=true)
 Swap the left and right margins. More...
 putHtmlListBullet ($listdepth, $listtype='', $size=10)
 Output an HTML list bullet or ordered item symbol. More...
 getGraphicVars ()
 Returns current graphic variables as array. More...
 setGraphicVars ($gvars, $extended=false)
 Set graphic variables. More...
 getObjFilename ($name)
 Returns a temporary filename for caching object on filesystem. More...
 writeDiskCache ($filename, $data, $append=false)
 Writes data to a temporary file on filesystem. More...
 readDiskCache ($filename)
 Read data from a temporary file on filesystem. More...
 setBuffer ($data)
 Set buffer content (always append data). More...
 replaceBuffer ($data)
 Replace the buffer content. More...
 getBuffer ()
 Get buffer content. More...
 setPageBuffer ($page, $data, $append=false)
 Set page buffer content. More...
 getPageBuffer ($page)
 Get page buffer content. More...
 setImageBuffer ($image, $data)
 Set image buffer content. More...
 setImageSubBuffer ($image, $key, $data)
 Set image buffer content for a specified sub-key. More...
 getImageBuffer ($image)
 Get image buffer content. More...
 setFontBuffer ($font, $data)
 Set font buffer content. More...
 setFontSubBuffer ($font, $key, $data)
 Set font buffer content. More...
 getFontBuffer ($font)
 Get font buffer content. More...
 hyphenateWord ($word, $patterns, $dictionary=array(), $leftmin=1, $rightmin=2, $charmin=1, $charmax=8)
 Returns an array of chars containing soft hyphens. More...
 getPathPaintOperator ($style, $default='S')
 Get the Path-Painting Operators. More...
 checkPageRegions ($h, $x, $y)
 Check page for no-write regions and adapt current coordinates and page margins if necessary. More...
 getSVGTransformMatrix ($attribute)
 Get the tranformation matrix from SVG transform attribute. More...
 getTransformationMatrixProduct ($ta, $tb)
 Get the product of two SVG tranformation matrices. More...
 convertSVGtMatrix ($tm)
 Convert SVG transformation matrix to PDF. More...
 SVGTransform ($tm)
 Apply SVG graphic transformation matrix. More...
 setSVGStyles ($svgstyle, $prevsvgstyle, $x=0, $y=0, $w=1, $h=1, $clip_function='', $clip_params=array())
 Apply the requested SVG styles (*** TO BE COMPLETED ***) More...
 SVGPath ($d, $style='')
 Draws an SVG path. More...
 getVectorsAngle ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
 Returns the angle in radiants between two vectors. More...
 startSVGElementHandler ($parser, $name, $attribs, $ctm=array())
 Sets the opening SVG element handler function for the XML parser. More...
 endSVGElementHandler ($parser, $name)
 Sets the closing SVG element handler function for the XML parser. More...
 segSVGContentHandler ($parser, $data)
 Sets the character data handler function for the XML parser. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TCPDF
 Current page number. More...
 Current object number. More...
 $offsets = array()
 Array of object offsets. More...
 $pageobjects = array()
 Array of object IDs for each page. More...
 Buffer holding in-memory PDF. More...
 $pages = array()
 Array containing pages. More...
 Current document state. More...
 Compression flag. More...
 Current page orientation (P = Portrait, L = Landscape). More...
 $pagedim = array()
 Page dimensions. More...
 Scale factor (number of points in user unit). More...
 Width of page format in points. More...
 Height of page format in points. More...
 Current width of page in points. More...
 Current height of page in points. More...
 Current width of page in user unit. More...
 Current height of page in user unit. More...
 Left margin. More...
 Right margin. More...
 Cell left margin (used by regions). More...
 Cell right margin (used by regions). More...
 Top margin. More...
 Page break margin. More...
 $cell_padding = array('T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'L' => 0)
 Array of cell internal paddings ('T' => top, 'R' => right, 'B' => bottom, 'L' => left). More...
 $cell_margin = array('T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'L' => 0)
 Array of cell margins ('T' => top, 'R' => right, 'B' => bottom, 'L' => left). More...
 Current horizontal position in user unit for cell positioning. More...
 Current vertical position in user unit for cell positioning. More...
 Height of last cell printed. More...
 Line width in user unit. More...
 Array of standard font names. More...
 $fonts = array()
 Array of used fonts. More...
 $FontFiles = array()
 Array of font files. More...
 $diffs = array()
 Array of encoding differences. More...
 $images = array()
 Array of used images. More...
 $cached_files = array()
 Array of cached files. More...
 $PageAnnots = array()
 Array of Annotations in pages. More...
 $links = array()
 Array of internal links. More...
 Current font family. More...
 Current font style. More...
 Current font ascent (distance between font top and baseline). More...
 Current font descent (distance between font bottom and baseline). More...
 Underlining flag. More...
 Overlining flag. More...
 Current font info. More...
 Current font size in points. More...
 Current font size in user unit. More...
 Commands for drawing color. More...
 Commands for filling color. More...
 Commands for text color. More...
 Indicates whether fill and text colors are different. More...
 Automatic page breaking. More...
 Threshold used to trigger page breaks. More...
 $InHeader = false
 Flag set when processing page header. More...
 $InFooter = false
 Flag set when processing page footer. More...
 Zoom display mode. More...
 Layout display mode. More...
 $docinfounicode = true
 If true set the document information dictionary in Unicode. More...
 $title = ''
 Document title. More...
 $subject = ''
 Document subject. More...
 $author = ''
 Document author. More...
 $keywords = ''
 Document keywords. More...
 $creator = ''
 Document creator. More...
 $starting_page_number = 1
 Starting page number. More...
 $alias_tot_pages = '{:ptp:}'
 String alias for total number of pages. More...
 $alias_num_page = '{:pnp:}'
 String alias for page number. More...
 $alias_group_tot_pages = '{:ptg:}'
 String alias for total number of pages in a single group. More...
 $alias_group_num_page = '{:png:}'
 String alias for group page number. More...
 $alias_right_shift = '{rsc:'
 String alias for right shift compensation used to correctly align page numbers on the right. More...
 The right-bottom (or left-bottom for RTL) corner X coordinate of last inserted image. More...
 The right-bottom corner Y coordinate of last inserted image. More...
 $imgscale = 1
 Adjusting factor to convert pixels to user units. More...
 $isunicode = false
 Boolean flag set to true when the input text is unicode (require unicode fonts). More...
 Object containing unicode data. More...
 Object containing font encoding maps. More...
 $PDFVersion = '1.7'
 PDF version. More...
 $header_xobjid = -1
 ID of the stored default header template (-1 = not set). More...
 $header_xobj_autoreset = false
 If true reset the Header Xobject template at each page. More...
 Minimum distance between header and top page margin. More...
 Minimum distance between footer and bottom page margin. More...
 Original left margin value. More...
 Original right margin value. More...
 Default font used on page header. More...
 Default font used on page footer. More...
 Language templates. More...
 $barcode = false
 Barcode to print on page footer (only if set). More...
 $print_header = true
 Boolean flag to print/hide page header. More...
 $print_footer = true
 Boolean flag to print/hide page footer. More...
 $header_logo = ''
 Header image logo. More...
 $header_logo_width = 30
 Width of header image logo in user units. More...
 $header_title = ''
 Title to be printed on default page header. More...
 $header_string = ''
 String to pring on page header after title. More...
 $header_text_color = array(0,0,0)
 Color for header text (RGB array). More...
 $header_line_color = array(0,0,0)
 Color for header line (RGB array). More...
 $footer_text_color = array(0,0,0)
 Color for footer text (RGB array). More...
 $footer_line_color = array(0,0,0)
 Color for footer line (RGB array). More...
 $txtshadow = array('enabled'=>false, 'depth_w'=>0, 'depth_h'=>0, 'color'=>false, 'opacity'=>1, 'blend_mode'=>'Normal')
 Text shadow data array. More...
 $default_table_columns = 4
 Default number of columns for html table. More...
 $HREF = array()
 HTML PARSER: array to store current link and rendering styles. More...
 $fontlist = array()
 List of available fonts on filesystem. More...
 Current foreground color. More...
 $listordered = array()
 HTML PARSER: array of boolean values, true in case of ordered list (OL), false otherwise. More...
 $listcount = array()
 HTML PARSER: array count list items on nested lists. More...
 $listnum = 0
 HTML PARSER: current list nesting level. More...
 $listindent = 0
 HTML PARSER: indent amount for lists. More...
 $listindentlevel = 0
 HTML PARSER: current list indententation level. More...
 Current background color. More...
 $tempfontsize = 10
 Temporary font size in points. More...
 $lispacer = ''
 Spacer string for LI tags. More...
 $encoding = 'UTF-8'
 Default encoding. More...
 PHP internal encoding. More...
 $rtl = false
 Boolean flag to indicate if the document language is Right-To-Left. More...
 $tmprtl = false
 Boolean flag used to force RTL or LTR string direction. More...
 IBoolean flag indicating whether document is protected. More...
 $encryptdata = array()
 Array containing encryption settings. More...
 Last RC4 key encrypted (cached for optimisation). More...
 Last RC4 computed key. More...
 $enc_padding = "\x28\xBF\x4E\x5E\x4E\x75\x8A\x41\x64\x00\x4E\x56\xFF\xFA\x01\x08\x2E\x2E\x00\xB6\xD0\x68\x3E\x80\x2F\x0C\xA9\xFE\x64\x53\x69\x7A"
 Encryption padding string. More...
 File ID (used on document trailer). More...
 $outlines = array()
 Outlines for bookmark. More...
 Outline root for bookmark. More...
 $javascript = ''
 Javascript code. More...
 Javascript counter. More...
 line trough state More...
 $ur = array()
 Array with additional document-wide usage rights for the document. More...
 $dpi = 72
 DPI (Dot Per Inch) Document Resolution (do not change). More...
 $newpagegroup = array()
 Array of page numbers were a new page group was started (the page numbers are the keys of the array). More...
 $pagegroups = array()
 Array that contains the number of pages in each page group. More...
 $currpagegroup = 0
 Current page group number. More...
 Array of transparency objects and parameters. More...
 Set the default JPEG compression quality (1-100). More...
 $cell_height_ratio = K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO
 Default cell height ratio. More...
 PDF viewer preferences. More...
 A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened. More...
 $gradients = array()
 Array for storing gradient information. More...
 $intmrk = array()
 Array used to store positions inside the pages buffer (keys are the page numbers). More...
 $bordermrk = array()
 Array used to store positions inside the pages buffer (keys are the page numbers). More...
 $emptypagemrk = array()
 Array used to store page positions to track empty pages (keys are the page numbers). More...
 $cntmrk = array()
 Array used to store content positions inside the pages buffer (keys are the page numbers). More...
 $footerpos = array()
 Array used to store footer positions of each page. More...
 $footerlen = array()
 Array used to store footer length of each page. More...
 $newline = true
 Boolean flag to indicate if a new line is created. More...
 $endlinex = 0
 End position of the latest inserted line. More...
 $linestyleWidth = ''
 PDF string for width value of the last line. More...
 $linestyleCap = '0 J'
 PDF string for CAP value of the last line. More...
 $linestyleJoin = '0 j'
 PDF string for join value of the last line. More...
 $linestyleDash = '[] 0 d'
 PDF string for dash value of the last line. More...
 $openMarkedContent = false
 Boolean flag to indicate if marked-content sequence is open. More...
 $htmlvspace = 0
 Count the latest inserted vertical spaces on HTML. More...
 $spot_colors = array()
 Array of Spot colors. More...
 $lisymbol = ''
 Symbol used for HTML unordered list items. More...
 $epsmarker = 'x#!#EPS#!#x'
 String used to mark the beginning and end of EPS image blocks. More...
 $transfmatrix = array()
 Array of transformation matrix. More...
 $transfmatrix_key = 0
 Current key for transformation matrix. More...
 $booklet = false
 Booklet mode for double-sided pages. More...
 $feps = 0.005
 Epsilon value used for float calculations. More...
 $tagvspaces = array()
 Array used for custom vertical spaces for HTML tags. More...
 $customlistindent = -1
 HTML PARSER: custom indent amount for lists. More...
 $opencell = true
 Boolean flag to indicate if the border of the cell sides that cross the page should be removed. More...
 $embeddedfiles = array()
 Array of files to embedd. More...
 $premode = false
 Boolean flag to indicate if we are inside a PRE tag. More...
 $transfmrk = array()
 Array used to store positions of graphics transformation blocks inside the page buffer. More...
 $htmlLinkColorArray = array(0, 0, 255)
 Default color for html links. More...
 $htmlLinkFontStyle = 'U'
 Default font style to add to html links. More...
 $numpages = 0
 Counts the number of pages. More...
 $pagelen = array()
 Array containing page lengths in bytes. More...
 $numimages = 0
 Counts the number of pages. More...
 $imagekeys = array()
 Store the image keys. More...
 $bufferlen = 0
 Length of the buffer in bytes. More...
 $diskcache = false
 If true enables disk caching. More...
 $numfonts = 0
 Counts the number of fonts. More...
 $fontkeys = array()
 Store the font keys. More...
 $font_obj_ids = array()
 Store the font object IDs. More...
 $pageopen = array()
 Store the fage status (true when opened, false when closed). More...
 $default_monospaced_font = 'courier'
 Default monospace font. More...
 Cloned copy of the current class object. More...
 $cache_file_length = array()
 Array used to store the lengths of cache files. More...
 $thead = ''
 Table header content to be repeated on each new page. More...
 $theadMargins = array()
 Margins used for table header. More...
 $cache_UTF8StringToArray = array()
 Cache array for UTF8StringToArray() method. More...
 $cache_maxsize_UTF8StringToArray = 8
 Maximum size of cache array used for UTF8StringToArray() method. More...
 $cache_size_UTF8StringToArray = 0
 Current size of cache array used for UTF8StringToArray() method. More...
 $sign = false
 Boolean flag to enable document digital signature. More...
 $signature_data = array()
 Digital signature data. More...
 $signature_max_length = 11742
 Digital signature max length. More...
 $signature_appearance = array('page' => 1, 'rect' => '0 0 0 0')
 Data for digital signature appearance. More...
 $empty_signature_appearance = array()
 Array of empty digital signature appearances. More...
 $re_spaces = '/[^\S\xa0]/'
 Regular expression used to find blank characters (required for word-wrapping). More...
 $re_space = array('p' => '[^\S\xa0]', 'm' => '')
 Array of $re_spaces parts. More...
 $sig_obj_id = 0
 Digital signature object ID. More...
 $byterange_string = '/ByteRange[0 ********** ********** **********]'
 ByteRange placemark used during digital signature process. More...
 $sig_annot_ref = '***SIGANNREF*** 0 R'
 Placemark used during digital signature process. More...
 $page_obj_id = array()
 ID of page objects. More...
 $form_obj_id = array()
 List of form annotations IDs. More...
 $default_form_prop = array('lineWidth'=>1, 'borderStyle'=>'solid', 'fillColor'=>array(255, 255, 255), 'strokeColor'=>array(128, 128, 128))
 Deafult Javascript field properties. More...
 $js_objects = array()
 Javascript objects array. More...
 $form_action = ''
 Current form action (used during XHTML rendering). More...
 $form_enctype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
 Current form encryption type (used during XHTML rendering). More...
 $form_mode = 'post'
 Current method to submit forms. More...
 $annotation_fonts = array()
 List of fonts used on form fields (fontname => fontkey). More...
 $radiobutton_groups = array()
 List of radio buttons parent objects. More...
 $radio_groups = array()
 List of radio group objects IDs. More...
 $textindent = 0
 Text indentation value (used for text-indent CSS attribute). More...
 $start_transaction_page = 0
 Store page number when startTransaction() is called. More...
 $start_transaction_y = 0
 Store Y position when startTransaction() is called. More...
 $inthead = false
 True when we are printing the thead section on a new page. More...
 $columns = array()
 Array of column measures (width, space, starting Y position). More...
 $num_columns = 1
 Number of colums. More...
 $current_column = 0
 Current column number. More...
 $column_start_page = 0
 Starting page for columns. More...
 $maxselcol = array('page' => 0, 'column' => 0)
 Maximum page and column selected. More...
 $colxshift = array('x' => 0, 's' => array('H' => 0, 'V' => 0), 'p' => array('L' => 0, 'T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0))
 Array of: X difference between table cell x start and starting page margin, cellspacing, cellpadding. More...
 $textrendermode = 0
 Text rendering mode: 0 = Fill text; 1 = Stroke text; 2 = Fill, then stroke text; 3 = Neither fill nor stroke text (invisible); 4 = Fill text and add to path for clipping; 5 = Stroke text and add to path for clipping; 6 = Fill, then stroke text and add to path for clipping; 7 = Add text to path for clipping. More...
 $textstrokewidth = 0
 Text stroke width in doc units. More...
 Current stroke color. More...
 $pdfunit = 'mm'
 Default unit of measure for document. More...
 $tocpage = false
 Boolean flag true when we are on TOC (Table Of Content) page. More...
 $rasterize_vector_images = false
 Boolean flag: if true convert vector images (SVG, EPS) to raster image using GD or ImageMagick library. More...
 $font_subsetting = true
 Boolean flag: if true enables font subsetting by default. More...
 $default_graphic_vars = array()
 Array of default graphic settings. More...
 $xobjects = array()
 Array of XObjects. More...
 $inxobj = false
 Boolean value true when we are inside an XObject. More...
 $xobjid = ''
 Current XObject ID. More...
 $font_stretching = 100
 Percentage of character stretching. More...
 $font_spacing = 0
 Increases or decreases the space between characters in a text by the specified amount (tracking). More...
 $page_regions = array()
 Array of no-write regions. More...
 $check_page_regions = true
 Boolean value true when page region check is active. More...
 $webcolor = array()
 Array containing HTML color names and values. More...
 $spotcolor = array()
 Array containing spot color names and values. More...
 $pdflayers = array()
 Array of PDF layers data. More...
 $dests = array()
 A dictionary of names and corresponding destinations (Dests key on document Catalog). More...
 Object ID for Named Destinations. More...
 $svgdir = ''
 Directory used for the last SVG image. More...
 $svgunit = 'px'
 Deafult unit of measure for SVG. More...
 $svggradients = array()
 Array of SVG gradients. More...
 $svggradientid = 0
 ID of last SVG gradient. More...
 $svgdefsmode = false
 Boolean value true when in SVG defs group. More...
 $svgdefs = array()
 Array of SVG defs. More...
 $svgclipmode = false
 Boolean value true when in SVG clipPath tag. More...
 $svgclippaths = array()
 Array of SVG clipPath commands. More...
 $svgcliptm = array()
 Array of SVG clipPath tranformation matrix. More...
 $svgclipid = 0
 ID of last SVG clipPath. More...
 $svgtext = ''
 SVG text. More...
 $svgtextmode = array()
 SVG text properties. More...
 $svginheritprop = array('clip-rule', 'color', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'cursor', 'direction', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'font', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'glyph-orientation-horizontal', 'glyph-orientation-vertical', 'image-rendering', 'kerning', 'letter-spacing', 'marker', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'pointer-events', 'shape-rendering', 'stroke', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'text-anchor', 'text-rendering', 'visibility', 'word-spacing', 'writing-mode')
 Array of hinheritable SVG properties. More...
 Array of SVG properties. More...
 $force_srgb = false
 If true force sRGB color profile for all document. More...
 $pdfa_mode = false
 If true set the document to PDF/A mode. More...
 Document creation date-time. More...
 Document modification date-time. More...
 $custom_xmp = ''
 Custom XMP data. More...
 $overprint = array('OP' => false, 'op' => false, 'OPM' => 0)
 Overprint mode array. More...
 $alpha = array('CA' => 1, 'ca' => 1, 'BM' => '/Normal', 'AIS' => false)
 Alpha mode array. More...
 $page_boxes = array('MediaBox', 'CropBox', 'BleedBox', 'TrimBox', 'ArtBox')
 Define the page boundaries boxes to be set on document. More...
 Set the document producer metadata. More...
 $tcpdflink = true
 If true print TCPDF meta link. More...
 $gdgammacache = array()
 Cache array for computed GD gamma values. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file PickingList.php.

Member Function Documentation

AddPage ( )

Numéro de page.


Definition at line 67 of file PickingList.php.

FillDocument (   $dateAdded1,



Definition at line 89 of file PickingList.php.

Footer ( )

Pied de page.


Definition at line 52 of file PickingList.php.

Header ( )



Definition at line 35 of file PickingList.php.

Field Documentation


Definition at line 29 of file PickingList.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

This documentation for Open ecommerce PEEL Shopping and has been generated by Doxygen on Thu Oct 15 2015 14:41:43 - Peel ecommerce is a product of Agence web Advisto SAS. All rights reserved.