Represents a module node.
| __construct (Twig_Node_Module $node, array $usedFilters, array $usedTags, array $usedFunctions) |
| __construct (Twig_NodeInterface $body, Twig_Node_Expression $parent=null, Twig_NodeInterface $blocks, Twig_NodeInterface $macros, Twig_NodeInterface $traits, $embeddedTemplates, $filename) |
| setIndex ($index) |
| compile (Twig_Compiler $compiler) |
| Compiles the node to PHP. More...
| __construct (array $nodes=array(), array $attributes=array(), $lineno=0, $tag=null) |
| Constructor. More...
| __toString () |
| toXml ($asDom=false) |
| compile (Twig_Compiler $compiler) |
| Compiles the node to PHP. More...
| getLine () |
| getNodeTag () |
| hasAttribute ($name) |
| Returns true if the attribute is defined. More...
| getAttribute ($name) |
| Gets an attribute. More...
| setAttribute ($name, $value) |
| Sets an attribute. More...
| removeAttribute ($name) |
| Removes an attribute. More...
| hasNode ($name) |
| Returns true if the node with the given identifier exists. More...
| getNode ($name) |
| Gets a node by name. More...
| setNode ($name, $node=null) |
| Sets a node. More...
| removeNode ($name) |
| Removes a node by name. More...
| count () |
| getIterator () |
Represents a module node.
- Author
- Fabien Potencier
Definition at line 18 of file SandboxedModule.php.
__construct |
( |
Twig_Node_Module |
$node, |
array |
$usedFilters, |
array |
$usedTags, |
array |
$usedFunctions |
) |
| |
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