if(!defined('IN_PEEL')) | $GLOBALS ["STR_ACCES_ACCOUNT"] = "Login to your customer area" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ACCESS"] = "Access" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ACCORD_OK"] = "Signed as agreed:" |
| $GLOBALS ['STR_ACCOUNT_DESACTIVATED'] = "Your account has been disabled" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ACCOUNT_DOCUMENTATION"] = "Documentation linked to the profile" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ACCOUNT_MASTER"] = "Account owner" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER"] = "Account number" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ACTIVITY"] = "Activity" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ADD_CART"] = "Add to cart" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ADDRESS"] = "Address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ADDRESS_TEXT"] = "Manage my billing and shipping addresses" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ADDRESS_NAME"] = "Adress title" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ADMIN"] = "Administration" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ADMINISTRATION"] = "Administration" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_BAN"] = "See flags included on our website" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_MSG"] = "You are registered in partner {$GLOBALS['site']}\n\nPresently we are paying you <b>{$GLOBALS['site_parameters']['commission_affilie']} %</b> of total sales excl. VAT creaed by your account." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_PROD"] = "Create an HTML code for partner products" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_SELL"] = "sales report" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_URL"] = "Your partner link" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT"] = "My partner account" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AFFILIATE"] = "Open an affiliate account" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AFFILIATION"] = "Affiliation" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AJOUT_PENSE_BETE"] = "Add to notepad" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ALL_BRAND"] = "All brand" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ALL"] = "All" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ALT_AD_DETAIL"] = "User rating detail" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AND"] = "and" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AMOUNT"] = "Amount" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ANNOUNCEMENT_INDICATION"] = "I am interested in the following sectors" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ARTICLES"] = "articles" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ASC"] = "ascending" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ASSOCIATED_PRODUCT"] = "Associated or complementary products" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AUCUN_RESULTAT"] = "No result beginning by this word" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AUTH_DENIAL"] = "Authorization denialed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_AVOIR"] = "Credit certificate" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BACK"] = "Back" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BACK_HOME"] = "<a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/\">Go back to the home page</a>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BACK_TO_PRODUCT"] = " << Back to product" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BACK_TO_CADDIE_TXT"] = " <ul> <li>If you find an error about your personal data, please <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/achat/achat_maintenant.php\">click here</a>.</li> <li>If you find an error about your order, please <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/achat/caddie_affichage.php\">click here</a>.</li> </ul>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BAD_INSCRIPTION"] = "A problem occurred during your registration" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BANK_ACCOUNT_CODE"] = "Bank counter" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BANK_ACCOUNT_COUNTER"] = "Bank counter" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BANK_ACCOUNT_DOMICILIATION"] = "Bank domiciliation" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER"] = "Bank account number" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BANK_ACCOUNT"] = "Bank account" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BARCODE"] = "Bar code" |
| $GLOBALS ['STR_BECOME_PARTNER'] = "Become partner" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BOUGHT_FACTURE"] = "To see your order online, click here" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BOX_OFFICE_CODE"] = "Office code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BRAND_LB"] = "Select Brand" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BRAND"] = "Brand" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BUTTON_UPDATE_ADDRESS_CREATE"] = "I modify this address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BUY"] = "Buy" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BUYERS"] = "Buyers" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_BY"] = "By" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CADDIE_OBJECTS_COUNT"] = "product(s)" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CADDIE"] = "Your cart" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CANCEL"] = "Cancel" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CART_IS_NOT_ENOUGHT"] = "The amount of your shopping cart is less than the minimum amount of the promotional code." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CART_PRESERVATION_TITLE"] = "List saved products" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CAT_LB"] = "Select Category" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CATALOG"] = "Categories" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CATALOGUE"] = "Catalog" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CATEGORY"] = "Category" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CGV_OK"] = "I have read the Terms and Conditions <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/cgv.php\">Terms and Conditions</a> of {$GLOBALS['site']}." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CGV_YES"] = "<a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/cgv.php\" >By validating this form, I have read and accepted the terms and conditions.</a>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CGV"] = "Terms and conditions" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHANGE_PARAMS_OK"] = "<li><a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/compte.php\">Back to your account</a>.</li> <li><a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/utilisateurs/change_params.php\">Back to 'Change my credentials'</a>.</li> <li><a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/\">Back to the home page</a>.</li>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHANGE_PARAMS"] = "Change my credentials" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHANGE_PASSWORD"] = "Change my password" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHANGE"] = "Change" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHECK"] = "Check" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHEQUE_CADEAU"] = "Gift certificates" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHOOSE_CB"] = "Click on your credit card" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHOOSE_COLOR"] = "Choose your color" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHOOSE_SIZE"] = "Choose your size" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CHOOSE"] = "Choose" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CLEAN"] = "Clear thumbs directory" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CLICK_HERE"] = "click here" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CLOSE"] = "Close" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CNIL_NUMBER"] = "CNIL number" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CNIL"] = "You can modify your parameters in the page My account > Change my credentials" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CODE_INVALID"] = "The code is not valid" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CODE_PROMO_IS_NOT_FOR_THIS_CAT"] = "Your promotional code is not applicable to selected items." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CODE_PROMO_REMISE"] = "promotional code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CODE_PROMO_USE_ONLY_ONCE"] = "You cannot use this promotional code once more" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CODE_PROMO_VALID_FROM"] = "valid from" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CODE_PROMO"] = "Promotional code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COLOR_LB"] = "Select Color" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COLOR"] = "Color" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COMING_PRODUCT_FLASH"] = "Next product flash" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COMMENTS"] = "Comments" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COMMERCIAL_AGENT"] = "Sales representative" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COMMERCIAL_YES"] = "From time to time, {$GLOBALS['site']} may wish to share customer information with selected third party companies. Check out this box if you do not wish to have your information shared." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COMPANY_IDENTIFICATION"] = "Identification number of the company" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COMPANY_NAME"] = "Society Name" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COMPANY"] = "Company" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COMPLETE_SEND"] = "Your email has been sent" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COMPTE"] = "My Account" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONDITION_AFFILI"] = "Conditions of affiliation " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONDITION_PARRAIN"] = "Conditions of sponsorship" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONDITIONING"] = "Conditioning" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONDITIONNEMENT_QTY"] = "Total quantity" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONDITIONNEMENT"] = "Conditioning" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONFIRMATION"] = "Confirmation" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONFIRM_DISABLE_ACCOUNT"] = "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTACT_INFO"] = "Information" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTACT_INTRO"] = "Need information? Questions? A special request? Contact Us!" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTACT_LB"] = "Select your request subject" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTACT_SELECT1"] = "Piece of information" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTACT_SELECT2"] = "Suggestion" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTACT_SELECT3"] = "Complaint" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTACT_SUBJECT"] = "Request subject" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTACT_US"] = "To contact us" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTACT"] = "Contact" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTINUE"] = "Continue" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CONTINENT"] = "Continent" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COOKIES_CHROME"] = "Options > Advanced > Content Parameters... > Cookies<br />Choose "Allow cookies"" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COOKIES_HOWTO"] = "To check if your browser supports cookies:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COOKIES_IE"] = "Tools > Options <br />Confidentiality > Advanced <br />Check the box "Override automatic cookie handling" and "Always allow session cookies"" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COOKIES_INFO"] = "Ordering {$GLOBALS['site']} requires that you accept cookies from our site in order to keep track of items you put into your shopping cart during your visit. These cookies are used only for that purpose." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COOKIES_INFO2"] = "If your browser accepts cookies and you still can not make an order, try again your purchase (it may be a temporary technical problem on our servers)" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COOKIES_MOZ"] = "Tools > Options > Privacy <br />Choose "Accept Cookies"" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COOKIES_NETSCAPE"] = "Edit Menu > Preferences ... <br />Confidentiality and security > Cookies <br />Choose "Allow cookies"" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COOKIES_SAFARI"] = "Edit > Preferences... > Security<br />Choose "Accept Cookies"" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_COUNTRY"] = "Country" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FUTURE_USE"] = "Create an account for future use" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CREDITCARD_SUBMIT_BUTTON"] = "Click here to pay by debit card or credit card" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_CUSTOMER"] = "Customer" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DATE"] = "Date" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DAY_AM"] = "Morning" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DAY_PM"] = "Afternoon" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DAYS"] = "day" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DECONNECT"] = "Log out" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DEFAULT"] = "by default" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DEFAULT_ADDRESS"] = "Main address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DELETE_CART_PRESERVATION"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this safeguard?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DELETE_CART_TITLE"] = "Delete safeguard" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DELETE_PROD_CART"] = "Are you sure you want to remove this product from the cart?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DELETE_THIS_FILE"] = "delete this file" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DELETE"] = "Delete" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DELETE_CONFIRM"] = "Are you sure you want to delete ?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DELIVERY_STOCK"] = "Delivery delay envisaged" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DELIVERY"] = "Delivery" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DEMO_RIGHTS_LIMITED"] = "DEMONSTRATION: You do not have the rights to process this action" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DESC"] = "descending" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DESIGNATION"] = "Designation" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DESINSCRIPTION_NEWSLETTER_OK"] = "You have been unsubscribed from the newsletter" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DESINSCRIPTION_NEWSLETTER"] = "Unsubscribe to the newsletter" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DESINSCRIPTION"] = "Unsubscribe" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DETAIL"] = "Details" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DETAILS_ORDER"] = "Details / order" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DEVIS_ON_LINE_SHOP"] = "Quotation webshop" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DEVIS"] = "Quotation request" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DEVISE"] = "Devise" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DISABLE_ACCOUNT"] = "Disable your account" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DISPO"] = "Availability" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DO_NOT_MISS"] = "Do not miss" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DOMICILIATION"] = "Domiciliation" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DONNEZ_AVIS"] = "Give your opinion" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DONT_FORGET_COMMENT"] = "Do not forget to insert your comment" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DONT_FORGET_NOTE"] = "You have forget to add a note to your comment" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DOWNLOAD_AGAIN"] = "Try again later (server unavailable)" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DOWNLOAD_CENTER"] = "Download center" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DOWNLOAD_DOCUMENT"] = "Download document" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_DOWNLOAD"] = "Download" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EAN_CODE"] = "EAN Code 8/13 or UPC code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EASY_LIST"] = "easy list" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ECOTAXE_INCLUDE"] = "Price including ecotax" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ECOTAXE"] = "Ecotaxe" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EDITED"] = "edited" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMAIL_ABSENT"] = "This e-mail does not exist" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMAIL_BOUNCE_REPLACE"] = "The server %s has raised a permanent error %s after an earlier sending to %s. Please enter a valid email.'" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMAIL_FRIEND"] = "Your friend's email" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMAIL_OR_PSEUDO"] = "Email / nickname" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMAIL_SENDING_DEACTIVATED"] = "Email \"%s\" sending attempt - sending deactivated" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMAIL"] = "Email" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPLOYEE"] = "Employee" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPTY_CADDIE"] = "Your cart is empty." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPTY_CART"] = "Are you sure you want to empty the cart?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPTY_FIELD"] = "Empty field" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPTY_FIELDS"] = "Empty the fields" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPTY_LIST"] = "Empty the list" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPTY_TEXT_ACCESS_PLAN"] = "The site localization information for the website {$GLOBALS['site']} is not yet defined" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPTY_TEXT_CGV"] = "The terms and conditions for the website {$GLOBALS['site']} are not yet defined" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPTY_TEXT_CONTACTS"] = "The contact information for the website {$GLOBALS['site']} is not yet defined" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EMPTY_TEXT_LEGAL"] = "The legal information for the website {$GLOBALS['site']} is not yet defined" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ENTER_KEY"] = "Enter your keywords" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_ACTIVITY"] = "You have not specified your activity.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_ADDRESS"] = "Please fill in your address.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_BAD_EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD"] = "Bad email or password." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_BIRTHDAY1"] = "In case of mistake on your birthday date, <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/utilisateurs/contact.php\">please contact us using this contact form</a>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_BIRTHDAY2"] = "If you want to add your birthday date, <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/utilisateurs/contact.php\">please contact us using this contact form</a>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_CAT"] = "Please fill in your login category.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_CGV_CONFIRM"] = "You have not read and agreed to the terms of sale .\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_CGV"] = "Please validate the Terms and Conditions.\r\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_CODE_PROMO"] = "Your promotional code is not valid anymore or does not exist.\nIf your code seems exact to you, <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/utilisateurs/contact.php\">contact the support with this contact form</a>\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_COUNTRY"] = "You do not specify your country.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_DATE_BAD"] = "The date is incorrect." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_DESCRIPTION"] = "Please fill in your description.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_EMAIL_BAD"] = "Please provide a correct email address." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_EMAIL_STILL"] = "This address email already exists." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_EMAIL_VIDE"] = "Please type in your email account." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_MISMATCH_EMAIL"] = "The emails do not match. \nPlease re-enter emails" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_EMAIL"] = "Please type in your email." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_EXPIRATION_DATE"] = "Please fill in your expiration date.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_FILL_IN_ALL"] = "Please fill in all fields" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_FIRST_CHOICE"] = "You must choose at least one favorite category.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_FIRSTNAME"] = "Please fill in your first name.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_FORM"] = "Your form is incomplete or comprises errors" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_HASH"] = "The link is not valid.\nNo changes were made." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_INFO_NEEDED_TO_CADDIE"] = "You haven't yet chosen your country, or your delivery information.<br /><br />Please fill in the missing fields." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_KEYB"] = "Press the button X to close the keyboard" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_LOGIN"] = "Please fill in your login.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_MESSAGE"] = "Please fill in your message.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_MISMATCH_PASSWORD"] = "The passwords do not match. \nPlease re-enter passwords" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_NAME"] = "Please fill in your surname.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_NEWPASS_CONFIRM"] = "Please confirm your new password.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_NEWPASS"] = "Please insert a new secure password over %s characters.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_NICKNAME_STILL"] = "This nickname already exists." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_NOEMAIL"] = "This email doesn't exist." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_OLDPASS_VALID"] = "Your old password is wrong, please try again.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_OLDPASS"] = "Please insert your old password.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_ORDER_NUMBER"] = "Please fill in your order number.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_PASS_CONFIRM"] = "Your two passwords must match.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_PASSWORD_CONFIRM"] = "You do not confirm your password.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_PASSWORD_EMPTY"] = "Please type in your password." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_PASSWORD"] = "Please fill in a secure password over %s characters.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_PAYMENT"] = "Please fill in your payment mean.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_PRICE"] = "Please fill in your price.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_PSEUDO"] = "You do not specify your nickname, or it contains an at sign, or word blacklisted\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_QUANTITY"] = "Please fill in your quantity\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_SIREN"] = "You did not specify a company identification number.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_SOCIETY"] = "You did not specify a company name.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_SUBJECT"] = "Please fill in your request subject.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_TEL"] = "You did not specify your telephone number.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_TIME"] = "The period of 24 hours after the renewal application password is exceeded." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_TOWN"] = "Please fill in your town.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_TWOPASS"] = "The two words don't match, please try again.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_TYPE"] = "Please fill in your shipping mean.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_URL"] = "You did not specify your website url.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_YOU_ARE"] = "You do not specify your status.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_ZIP"] = "Please fill in your zip code.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERR_ZONE"] = "Please fill in your shipping zone.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERREUR_TYPE"] = "We can currently not deliver this order in this delivery area " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERROR_DECOD_PICTURE"] = "Error in the decoding of the image. Make sure the image is valid." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ERROR_SOMETHING_PICTURE"] = "Something does not work: Check the directory permissions" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ETAPE_SUIVANTE"] = "Next step" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EVERYBODY"] = "Everybody" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_EXPEDITION_DATE"] = "Expedition date" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FAX"] = "Fax" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FB_DECONNECT"] = "Facebook logout" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FILE_EMPTY"] = "File is empty" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FILE"] = "File" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FIRST_CHOICE"] = "first choice" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FIRST_NAME"] = "First name" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FIRST_PAGE"] = "First page" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FIRST_REGISTER_TEXT"] = "Please fill out the form below in order to place an order. Fields marked with an asterisk * are required. We do not sell or does not cede to others your personal information. For any questions concerning the protection of personal data you can Read our privacy policy or contact us through the contact form." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FIRST_REGISTER_TITLE"] = "First registration" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FLASH_TO"] = "to" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FLASH"] = "Flash sale" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FLASH_PASSED"] = "Flash sale passed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FOLLOWING_ACCOUNT"] = "on the following bank account" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FOLLOWING_ADDRESS"] = " to the following address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FONCTION"] = "Capacity" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FOPEN_FAILED"] = "File opening failed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FOR_A_CHECK_PAYMENT"] = "For a payment by check" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FOR_GIFT"] = "For" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD"] = "Forgot your password?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FORUM"] = "Forum" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FRAIS_GESTION"] = "Handling costs" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FREE"] = "Free" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FROM"] = "from" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FTP_AUTHENTIFICATION_FAILED"] = "FTP authentification failed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FTP_CHDIR_FAILED"] = "FTP change directory failed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FTP_CONNECT_FAILED"] = "FTP connection failed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FTP_GET_FAILED"] = "Get file content failed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_FWRITE_FAILED"] = "File writing failed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_GENDER"] = "Title" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_GET_MY_POSITION"] = "Get my position (mandatory for this query)" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_GET_PASSWORD"] = "Forgot password?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_GIFT_POINTS"] = "Gift points" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_GLOBAL_PROMOTION"] = "General promotion" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_GZOPEN_FAILED"] = "Compressed file opening failed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_HALF_WHOLESALER"] = "Half Wholesaler" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_HAS_BEEN_DELETED"] = "has been deleted" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_HAVE_YOU_THINK_ABOUT"] = "Have you think about ... " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_HELLO"] = "Hello" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_HERE"] = "You are here" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_HOLIDAY_AVAILABLE_CADDIE"] = "You will not receive the product for a period of " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_HOLIDAY_AVAILABLE"] = "Sorry but due to supplier's holiday, we are unable to deliver this product before " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_HOME"] = "Home" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_HT"] = "excl. VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_IF_DOWNLOAD_PROBLEM"] = "If the link to download the script is no longer valid, you can" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_IMAGE"] = "Image" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_IMPORTERS_EXPORTERS"] = "Importers / Exporters" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INCLUDED"] = "included" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INCLUDING"] = "including" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INFO_ADDRESS"] = "When checking out, we will ask you to specify the delivery address and the billing address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INFORMATIONS"] = "Informations" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INFORMATION_NOT_AVAILABLE"] = "Information non disponible" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSERT_A_LOGO"] = "Insert a Logo" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSERT_EMAIL"] = "Please fill in the e-mail address you used for registration and you will receive a new password by e-mail." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSERT_LOGIN_AND_PASSWORD"] = "Insert your login and password." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSERT_NEW_PASSWORD"] = "Please fill out the fields below" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSERT"] = "Insert" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSTALLATION_DELETE_EXPLAIN_ALTERNATIVE"] = "If you do not want to delete it (not recommended), thanks to rename the directory using a complex name" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSTALLATION_DELETE_EXPLAIN"] = "AFTER INSTALLATION : This message will remain until you remove the \"installation\" directory for the security of your online store." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSTALLATION_DELETED_LINK"] = "Click here once the installation directory has been removed or renamed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSTALLATION_PROCEDURE"] = "Installation procedure" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INSTALLATION"] = "Installation" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INTRACOM_FORM"] = "Intracom VAT number (Only for European companies)" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INTRODUCTORY_TEXT"] = "Introductory text" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INVALID_TOKEN"] = "Invalid Token: Cookies disabled, treatment already done, ​​or HTTP Referer not sent by your browser" |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_INVOICE_BOTTOM_TEXT"] = "Late payment penalty: 9% - No rebate for early payments" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INVOICE_BOTTOM_TEXT1"] = "This quote is valid for a period of {$GLOBALS['site_parameters']['quotation_delay']}" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INVOICE_BOTTOM_TEXT2"] = "VAT reverse charge, Article 194 Directive 2006/112/CE" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_INVOICE"] = "Invoice" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_IS_EMPTY"] = "This field must be filled" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_IS_TOO_SHORT"] = " is too short" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_IS_TOO_SHORT2"] = " is too short" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_IS_VALID"] = "is valid" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_LANGUAGE_FOR_AUTOMATIC_EMAILS"] = "Language for contacts" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_LANGUAGES"] = "Languages" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_LATEST_NEWS"] = "Latest News" |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_LIST_RUBRIQUES"] = "List of headings" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_LISTE_CADEAU"] = "My gift list" |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_LOGIN_OK"] = "Thanks for your confidence." |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_MANAGER"] = "Manager" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MANDATORY_FIELDS"] = "Mandatory fields" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MANDATORY"] = "Mandatory fields" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MEMBER_REGISTERED_SINCE"] = "Registered since" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MES_CODE_PROMO_UTILISE"] = "My used promotional codes:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MES_CODE_PROMO_VALIDE"] = "My current promotional codes:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MESSAGE"] = "Message" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MINIMUM_PURCHASE_OF"] = "A minimum purchase of " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MISSED_ATTRIBUT_MANDATORY"] = "field %s is mandatory" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MLLE"] = "Miss " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MME"] = "Mrs " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODIFY_ADDRESS"] = "Modify address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODIFY_CATEG"] = "Modification of category No." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODIFY"] = "Modify" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_AVIS_AVERAGE_RATING_GIVEN"] = "Global average rating for this product:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_AVIS_NO_OPINION_FOR_THIS_PRODUCT"] = "No opinion has been posted about this product" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_AVIS_OPINION_POSTED_BY"] = "Opinion posted by" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_AVIS_OPINION_POSTED"] = "You have wished to leave a comment on the product" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_AVIS_SEND_YOUR_OPINION"] = "Send your opinion" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_AVIS_WANT_COMMENT_PRODUCT"] = "You want to file a comment on the product" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_AVIS_YOUR_COMMENT_ON_PRODUCT"] = "Your comment on the product" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_AVIS_YOUR_COMMENT_WAITING_FOR_VALIDATION"] = "Your opinion has been sent.<br /> After validation, it will be published on %s" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_BANNER_MSG_ERR_DATE"] = "You must complete the date.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_CART_POPUP_PRODUCT_ADDED"] = "The product has been added" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_DEVIS_CONSEIL"] = "To contact our consultants, please fill out the form below" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_DIREAUNAMI_BACK_REFERER"] = "Go back to the referer." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_DIREAUNAMI_MSG_ERR_FRIEND"] = "The form content is invalid (unvalid email ou missing data). Please click \"back\" and fill the forms with correct answers." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_DIREAUNAMI_MSG_FRIEND_SEND"] = "Your message has been sent." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_DIREAUNAMI_MSG_TELL_FRIEND"] = "<b>The product that you have just consulted held your attention, then also make it possible to your friends to consult it.</b>\nTo send this card product, indicate simply the name and addresses email of your friends.\nIndicate also your name and your email so that your friends can know of who comes this message, and click on the button \"Send\".\nYou can also, if you wish it, send them a message which will be included in the email." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_EXPEDITOR_SHIPPING_WARNING_SENT_TO"] = "The shipping warning has been sent to" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_FACTURES_PAY_COST"] = "Supplement related to the type of payment" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_LAST_VIEWS_NO_LAST_VIEWS"] = "No products visited yet." |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PAGES-ORIENTALES_MSG_ERR_CUSTOMER"] = "Please fill in your surname.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PARTENAIRES_MSG_ERR_CATEGORY_PARTNER"] = "No category of partner available." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PAYPAL_BOUTON"] = "https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but01.gif" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PAYPAL_BUTTON_ALT"] = "Process your payments via PayPal: a fast, free and secure solution!" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PENSEBETE_HAS_BEEN_ADD_REMINDER"] = "has been add to your reminder" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PENSEBETE_NO_PRODUCT_IN_REMINDER"] = "Your reminder doesn't had any product." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PENSEBETE_YOUR_REMINDER_ON_RUB"] = "Your reminder can be found on category" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ACCUEIL_AFFILIATION"] = "We pay our affiliates to the tune of {$GLOBALS['site_parameters']['commission_affilie']} % on sales generated on {$GLOBALS['site']} by visitors from your site.\r\nTo do this it will be enough to include a link to the products of your choice or banner on your website.\r\nOnce your identifiers (email + password) validated by our webmaster, you can access under the heading \"My Account\" to all the HTML codes specific to your account for you to paste on your website.\r\nTo join our affiliate program, <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/modules/affiliation/conditions.php\">read the terms of affilisation</a> and complete the form below..." |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_DOWNLOAD_CONTACT"] = "Report us the error using this <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/utilisateurs/contact.php\">form</a>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_DOWNLOAD_GO_HOME"] = "to return to the home page" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_DOWNLOAD_NOT_EXIST"] = "This command does not exist, thank you to check your download key" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_EMAIL_CHECK"] = "Type in the email of the recipient of the gift check:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_EMPTY_TEXT_AFFILI"] = "The affiliation terms for the website {$GLOBALS['site']} are not yet defined" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_EMPTY_TEXT_SPONSOR"] = "The sponsorship terms for the website {$GLOBALS['site']} are not yet defined" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_FAQ_NO_QUESTION"] = "Nobody questions put down" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_FOR_DOWNLOADING_FILES"] = "To download your order number" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_HAS_BEEN_CREATED_FOR"] = "has been created and sent to" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_MANDATORY_EMAIL"] = "The email field is mandatory!" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_MSG_AFFILIATE"] = "Thanks for your confidence.\n\nPlease, keep your password secret. Never send it by email.\n\nYou will be able to profit from your affiliate account dice which your account will be validated." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_MSG_NO_STOCK"] = "is not presently in stock.\nPlease complete the form below to be notified when stock arrives:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_MSG_PARRAIN_OK"] = "Thanks your for your confidance. Your are now registered on our sponsoring program and you are able to profit from a credit certificate of %s on your first order.\r\nSee you soon on {$GLOBALS['site']}.\r\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_MSG_RETAILER"] = "Thanks for your confidence.\n\nPlease, keep your password secret. Never send it by email.\n\nYou will be able to profit from the prices retailers dice which your account will be validated." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_NOTICE_AFFILIATE"] = "A click on the buttom below will automatically register you in the partner program of {$GLOBALS['site']}. Once registered, you must respect the conditions detailed in the general Conditions, witch you will receive in duplicate form by email. Please return duly signed;." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_OVERLIB_STOCK"] = "This product is currently unavailable, we can notify you by email as soon as this product arrives in stock." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_PARRAIN_BACK_COMPTE"] = "Click here to return to your account." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_PARRAIN_MSG_ERR_DEJA_INSCRIT"] = "This email address cannot be sponsored: already in our database" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_PARRAIN_MSG_ERR"] = "Please fill in the mandatory fields in order to sponsor your friends.\r\n<a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/modules/parrainage/parrain.php\">Click here to return to the previous page</a>." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_PARRAIN_MSG_SEND"] = "Your friends have received your demand for sponsorship. As soon as they validate their account, you will beneficiate a credit of %s on their first order. They also will be able to benefit from their credit of %s on their first order." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_PARRAIN_REGISTER_MSG"] = "Please confirm your registration with the reference ID you receive by email! You will receive a credit certificate of %s usable on your first order on our website." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_PARRAIN_REGISTER"] = "Confirmation of registration to the sposoring program of {$GLOBALS['site']} website" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_SAVE_CART_SUCCESS"] = "The cart has been saved successfully!" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_SAVED_CART_DELETED"] = "Safeguard has been cleared." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_THANKS_CHECK_DOWNLOAD"] = "Thank you to check your download link." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_URL_ADS_BY_KEYWORD"] = "supplier-research" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_URL_SPONSOR"] = "sponsor-category" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_SIPS_AUTH_ACCEPT"] = "Authorization accepted" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_SIPS_BANK_AUTH"] = "Request of authorization by telephone to the bank because an overrun of payment limit on the card" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_SIPS_FORMAT_ERR"] = "Error of format." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_SIPS_INVALID_AMOUNT"] = "Amount invalid, verify the amount transferred in the request." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_SIPS_INVALID_TRANSAC"] = "Transaction invalid, verify the parameters transferred in the request." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_SIPS_NO_CONTRACT"] = "Nonexistent remote sale contract" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_SIPS_SECU_BREAK"] = "Security regulations not respected, transaction stopped." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_SIPS_TEMP_OUT_SERVICE"] = "Temporarily unavailable service." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_SIPS_TRY_NUM_OUT"] = "Number of attempts of seizure of the card number exceeded." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_TELECHARGEMENT_REPORT_ERROR_MAIL"] = "Report the problem by sending us an email." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_TELECHARGEMENT_RETURN_ACCUEIL_DOWNLOAD"] = "<a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/\"><b>Click here</b></a> to return to home page." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_TEMPLATE_EMAIL_MY_ACCOUNT_MY_PARAMETERS"] = "My account > Edit my preferences" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_THUMBS_CANNOT_SAVE_PICTURE"] = "Impossible to save picture in cache folder. Please check access rights on the server." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MODULE_THUMBS_IMAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE"] = "Impossible to open the image" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MONTH"] = "Month" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MONTHS"] = "months" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MORE_DETAILS"] = "More details" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MORE"] = "Buy" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MSG_CHANGE_PARAMS"] = "The change of the parameters was carried out." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MSG_NEW_CUSTOMER"] = "<a class=\"notice\" href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/utilisateurs/enregistrement.php\">Click here to open an account</a>." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MSG_THANKS"] = "Thank you for your order. It has been successful." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MY_GIFT_POINT"] = "My gift points" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_MY_ORDER"] = "My orders" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NAISSANCE"] = "Date of birth" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NAME"] = "Surname" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NEAR_POSITION_INPUT"] = "At less than %s km from my position" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NET"] = "Net to pay" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NEW_CUSTOMER"] = "New customer?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NEW_PASSWORD_CONFIRM"] = "Re-enter new password " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NEW_PASSWORD"] = "New password" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NEWSLETTER_TITLE"] = "Subscribe to the newsletter" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NEWSLETTER_YES"] = "Yes, I would like to receive the newsletter" |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_NO_AVAILABLE"] = "Not available" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NO_FIND_ART"] = " <h1>We didn't find this article</h1><blockquote><a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/lire/\">Please see full list of headings.</a></blockquote>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NO_FIND_PRODUCT"] = "<h1>We didn't find this product</h1><blockquote><a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/achat/\">Please see full list of products ranges.</a></blockquote>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NO_INDEX_PRODUCT"] = "There is no product in this category" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NO_ORDER"] = "No order is recorded in our database." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NO_RIGHTS_TO_ACCESS_ADMIN"] = "You do not have the necessary authorizations to access this webpage." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NO_RIGHTS"] = "Rights denied" |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_NO_VAT_APPLIABLE"] = "VAT non appliable" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NO"] = "No" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NONE_COLOR_SELECTED"] = "You didn't select a color." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NONE_SIZE_SELECTED"] = "You didn't select a size." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NONE"] = "None" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NOS_REFERENCES"] = "Our references" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NOT_A_FILE"] = "Element is not a file" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NOT_ATTRIBUED"] = "Not attributed" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NOT_AVAILABLE_CURRENTLY"] = "No product is presently available in this section" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NOUVEAUTES"] = "New on this website" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_NUMBER"] = "N°" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OFFERED"] = "offered" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OFFLINE_ART"] = "This item is currently on hold, only the site administrators can then consult." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OFFLINE_CATEGORY"] = "This category is currently pending, only the site administrators can then view it." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OFFLINE_PRODUCT"] = "This product is currently on hold, only the site administrators can then consult" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OFFLINE_RUB"] = "This item is currently on hold, only the site administrators can then consult." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OLD_PASSWORD"] = "Old password" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ON_CATEGORY"] = ", in the category" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ON_ESTIMATE"] = "On estimate" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ONLINE_SHOP"] = "Online shop" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OPEN_ACCOUNT"] = "Open account" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OPRICES"] = "Prices" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OPTION_PRICE"] = "Options" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OPTION_PRIX"] = "Price of the options " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OPTION"] = "Options price" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OPTIONS_COST"] = "Options's price" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OR"] = "or" |
| $GLOBALS ['STR_ORDER_BY_BUTTON'] = "Sort out" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ORDER_DETAIL"] = "Order details" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ORDER_FORM"] = "Order form" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ORDER_HISTORY"] = "Follow-up of orders" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ORDER_NAME"] = "Order" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ORDER_NUMBER"] = "Order number" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ORDER_POINT"] = "Order point" |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_ORDER_STATUT"] = "Order status" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ORDER"] = "Complete your order" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ORIGIN"] = "Origin" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OTHER"] = "Other" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OUR_OTHER_SERVICES"] = "Our other services" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OUR_PARTNER"] = "Our partners" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OUR_SERVICES"] = "Our services" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OUR_SUGGEST"] = "Our suggestions" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_OUT_OF"] = "out of" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PAGE"] = "Page:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PAIEMENT_SECURISE"] = "Secure payment" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PARRAIN_ENTETE"] = "Sponsor friends" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PARRAIN_TEXTE"] = "Sponsor your friends and make their profit from a credit of %s on their first order!<br />And for you? %s when your friends order!" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PASS_PERDU"] = "Click here if you lost your password." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PASSWORD_CHANGE"] = "The password was changeds.\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION"] = "Retype the password" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PASSWORD_EMAIL"] = "<span class='bold'>E-mail has been sent</span>\n\nPlease follow the instructions in this email.\n\n" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PASSWORD_SECURITY"] = "Password security" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PASSWORD"] = "Password" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PAYMENT_FAILED"] = "Your transaction could not be validated or has been refused" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PAYMENT_MEAN"] = "Payment means" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PAYMENT_SUCCEED"] = "This pages indicates that your transaction has been taken into account. Thanks for your confidence." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PAYMENT"] = "Payment" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PAYPAL_IMG"] = "<img src=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/images/logo-xclickBox_en.gif\" width=\"152\" height=\"29\" alt=\"payments via Paypal\" />" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PAYPAL"] = "Paypal" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_AVOIR"] = "Credit voucher" |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_COUT_TRANSPORT_HT"] = "Shipping cost Bef. VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_DATE"] = "Date:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_ECOTAXE_HT"] = "Ecotax excl VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_FACTURATION"] = "Invoice customer address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_LIVRAISON"] = "Shipping customer address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_NET"] = "Net to pay" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_PAIEMENT"] = "Payment method" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_PRIX_HT"] = "Price Bef. VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_PRIX_TTC"] = "Price Aft. VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_QUOTATION"] = "Quotation" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_RCS"] = "Registration N°" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_REF"] = "References:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_REFERENCE"] = "Reference" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_SHIPMENT"] = "shipment" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_SIGNATURE"] = "Signature:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_TOTAL_HT"] = "Total Bef. VAT:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDF_TVA"] = "Total VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PDFTOTALHT"] = "Total Bef. VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PENSE_BETE"] = "My reminder" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PER_PAGE"] = "Number of results per page" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PHOTO_NOT_AVAILABLE_ALT"] = "photo not available" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PHOTO"] = "Photo" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PICTURE_SIZE_EXTENTION_ERROR"] = "Verify that the file selected is a valid image (%s) and smaller than %s Ko" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PICTURE"] = "Picture" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PLEASE_LOGIN"] = "Please log in" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PORTABLE"] = "Mobile" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_POSTED_OPINION"] = "Posted opinion" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_POSTED_OPINIONS"] = "Posted opinions" |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRICE_WEIGHT"] = "Price per kilo:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRICE"] = "Price" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRINT_PAGE"] = "Print this page" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRINT_PROFORMA"] = "Print the proforma invoice" |
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| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRINT"] = "Print" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRODUCT_ADD_TO_EASY_LIST"] = "Add to Easy List" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRODUCT_BUY"] = "product buy" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRODUCT_NAME"] = "Product name" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRODUCT"] = "Product" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRODUCTS_PURCHASED"] = "products purchased" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRODUCTS_PURCHASED_LIST"] = "Products purchased list" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PRODUCTS"] = "Our products" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PROFORMA"] = "Proforma invoice" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PROMO_CODE"] = "promo code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PROMOTION_INCLUDE"] = "Special offer included" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PROMOTION"] = "Special offer" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PROMOTIONS"] = "Special offer" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PROPULSE"] = "Created by" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PSEUDO"] = "Nickname" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PUBLICITE"] = "Advertising" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PUBLISHED_BY"] = "Published by" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PUNCTUAL"] = "Punctual" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_PURCHASING_MANAGER"] = "Purchasing Manager" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_QUANTITY_INSUFFICIENT"] = "The required quantity is superior to the available stock." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_QUANTITY_PRODUCT_ADD"] = "product was added to your card" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_QUANTITY_PRODUCTS_ADD"] = "products were added to your card" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_QUANTITY"] = "Quantity" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_QUOTATION"] = "Quotation" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_READ_ENTIRE_ARTICLE"] = "Read the entire article" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REBATE_NOW"] = "now if you have a coupon" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_RECOVER_PASSWORD_OK"] = "Renewing your password has been successfully completed. \nYou may now login with the new password by clicking on <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/membre.php\"> this link </a>" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_RECURRENT"] = "Recurrent" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REDUCTION_ON_ALL_PRODUCTS_FROM_CATEGORIE"] = "All the products from this category are subject to a discount of" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REFERENCE_ON_LINE_SHOP"] = "Reference webshop" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REFERENCE"] = "Reference" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REFRESH"] = "Refresh" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REGISTER"] = "Register" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REGISTER_ORDER_ADDRESS"] = "Create another address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REGLEMENT_CARTE_BANCAIRE"] = "Payment by credit card" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REMINDING_CHAR"] = "remaining char" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REMISE"] = "Cust. rebate" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REQUEST_OK"] = "Your request was indeed taken into account.<br />You will be notified by email when this product is back in stock." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REQUIRED_ORDER_NUMBER"] = "required for a claim" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REQUIRED_VALIDATE_ORDER"] = " is required to validate your order." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_RESULT_SEARCH"] = "Search result" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_RETAILER_SUBSCRIBE"] = "Retailer subscription" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_RETAILER"] = "Open a wholesale account" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_RETAILERS"] = "Retailers" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REFERENCE_IF_KNOWN"] = "Order reference (if known)" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_RETOUR"] = "Back" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_REVENDEURS"] = "Resellers" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_RSS_TITLE"] = "RSS feed of the website {$GLOBALS['site']}" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_RSS"] = "Our RSS Feed" |
| $GLOBALS ['STR_SALES_CONDITIONS'] = "Terms and conditions" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SAVE_CART"] = "Save Cart" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_ALL_WORDS"] = "All words" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_ANY_WORDS"] = "Any word" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_BRAND"] = "Search by brand" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_CATEGORY"] = "Search by category" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_EXACT_SENTENCE"] = "The exact phrase" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_HELP"] = "<h2>Help on search</h2> <ul> <li>The search engine doses not care about the case of your text. [ cats dogs ] will search pages talking of cats and dogs in the same page.</li> <li>The double quotes (\") allow you to search an exact phrase, respecting all caracters including spaces.</li> <li>The MINUS (-) forbids a word, eg [ dogs -cats ] returns all pages with dogs but no cats inside the text. you can add a MINUS (-) before a sentence with double quotes (\"), like -\"white cats\".</li> </ul> " |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_NO_RESULT_ARTICLE"] = "No article for this search." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_NO_RESULT_BRAND"] = "No brand for this search." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_NO_RESULT_PRODUCT"] = "No product for this search." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_NO_RESULT"] = "There is no result found for your search. Please proceed with other keywords." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_PRODUCT"] = "Search a product" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_RESULT_ARTICLE"] = "in articles" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_RESULT_BRAND"] = "in brands" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH_RESULT_PRODUCT"] = "in products" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEARCH"] = "Search" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SECOND_CHOICE"] = "second choice" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEE_YOU_SOON"] = "See you soon on" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEND_CHECK"] = "Send your payment to" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEND_TRANSFER"] = "Please make your bank transfer in the amount of" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SEND"] = "Send" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SCAN_CODE_AND_ADD_LIST"] = "Scan the barcode of a product to add this list" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SCAN_HELP"] = "Use your scanner to add a product to the Easy list<br />If you have no scanner yet, contact us" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHIP_ADDRESS"] = "Shipping address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHIP_TYPE_CHOOSE"] = "Choose your type of shipment" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHIP_ZONE_CHOOSE"] = "Choose your zone of shipment" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHIPPING_COST"] = "Shipping cost" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHIPPING_TYPE"] = "Means of shipping" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHIPPING_ZONE"] = "Shipping zone" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHOPPING"] = "Continue my shopping" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHORT_FAX"] = "Fax." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHORT_TEL"] = "Tel." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SHUTDOWN_DOWNLOAD_HELPER"] = "Disable your download manager" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SIGNATURE"] = "Signature" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SIREN"] = "ID Number" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SIRET"] = "Entreprise identification number" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SITE_GENERATOR"] = "PEEL eCommerce solution" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SITEMAP"] = "Sitemap" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SIZE"] = "Size" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SMALL_ORDER_OVERCOST_TEXT"] = "Preparation costs" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SOCIETE"] = "Company" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SOLD_PRICE"] = "Sold price" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SPECIAL"] = "Special feature" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SQL_ERROR"] = "SQL error" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_STATUS"] = "State" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_START_PRICE"] = "Start price" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_STEP1"] = "Your payment" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_STEP2"] = "Summary of your order" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_STEP3"] = "Confirmation of your order" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_STILL_CUSTOMER"] = "Already have an account?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_STOCK"] = "Stock" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_STRONG_PASSWORD_NOTIFICATION"] = "Strong passwords contain more than 8 characters and combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_STRONG_PSEUDO_NOTIFICATION"] = "The nickname cannot contain the @ sign" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SUBMIT"] = "Submit" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SUGGEST"] = "Your credit certificate allows you to get extra products. Please consult the following list to complete your order. <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/achat/suggest.php\">Click here to consult our suggest list</a>." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SUPPORT"] = "For any queries please feel free to <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/utilisateurs/contact.php\">contact us using this form</a>." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_SYNC_OK"] = "File synchronisation ended with success" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TABLE_SUMMARY_CADDIE"] = "This table lists the products present in your cart" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TABLE_SUMMARY_ORDERS"] = "This table lists your order history" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TALL_LB"] = "Select Size" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TEL"] = "Phone" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TELEPHONE"] = "Phone" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TELL_FRIEND"] = "Send email to your friend" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TEXT_CONFIG"] = "The thumbs directory contains thumbnails of images downloaded. BEWARE : thumbnails are generated when a page is created, thus a newsletter will not keep its images when reading after thumbnails delete." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TEXT_FLASH1"] = "It remains" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TEXT_FLASH2"] = "by the end of the sale flash." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TEXT"] = "Message" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_THANKS_FIANET"] = "Click here to pay." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_THANKS_UNDERSTANDING"] = "Thank you for your understanding." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_THANKS"] = "Sincerly" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_THE_PRODUCT"] = "The product" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_THEIR_EMAILS"] = "Their emails" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_THEIR_NAMES"] = "Recipient names" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_THIRD_CHOICE"] = "third choice" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TICKET_OK"] = "Your message was indeed taken into account on our site web.\nAn answer will be brought to you under 48H." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TITLE_SUFFIX"] = "{$GLOBALS['site']}" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TO"] = "to" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TOP"] = "Best Selling" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TOTAL_AMOUNT"] = "Total amount" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TOTAL_HT"] = "Total excl. VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TOTAL_PALETTE"] = "Total pallet count" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TOTAL_PRICE"] = "Total" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TOTAL_TTC"] = "Total incl. VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TOTAL"] = "Total" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TOUS_LES_AVIS"] = "All opinion on this product" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TOWN"] = "Town" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TRACKING_LINK"] = "Tracking code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TRANSACTION"] = "Transaction" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TRANSFER"] = "Transfer" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TRANSFORM"] = "Transform" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TTC"] = "incl. VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_TYPE"] = "Type" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UNAVAILABLE"] = "Indisponible" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UNIT_PRICE"] = "Unit price" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UPDATE_WEBSITE"] = "The website {$GLOBALS['site']} is currently under maintenance for a few minutes." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UPDATE"] = "Update your cart" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UPLOAD_ERROR_DURING_TRANSFER"] = "Problem when transferring the file - Please try again." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UPLOAD_ERROR_FILE_IS_TOO_BIG"] = "The file is too big (limit: %s ko)" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UPLOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED"] = "The type of file (%s) you are trying to upload is not allowed, you can only upload files type:" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UPLOAD_ERROR_FILE_TYPE_NOT_VALID"] = "The type of the file is not valid." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UPLOAD_ERROR_IMAGE_MUST_NOT_BE_HIGHER_THAN"] = "Your picture should not be higher than %s pixels" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UPLOAD_ERROR_IMAGE_MUST_NOT_BE_LARGER_THAN"] = "Your picture should not be larger than %s pixels" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_UPLOAD_ERROR_YOU_UPLOAD_NOTHING"] = "You did not upload a file." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_USER_CANCEL"] = "Cancellation of the Internet user." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_USER_ORIGIN"] = "How do you know our website?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_USER_ORIGIN_OPTIONS_1"] = "By a friend or parent" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_USER_ORIGIN_OPTIONS_2"] = "Through a search engine" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_USER_ORIGIN_OPTIONS_3"] = "Through a price comparator" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_USER_ORIGIN_OPTIONS_4"] = "On another website" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_USER_ORIGIN_OPTIONS_5"] = "By one of our sales representatives" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_USER_ORIGIN_OPTIONS_6"] = "At an exhibition" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VALIDATE_ORDER"] = "Confirm the order" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VALIDATION_CODE_COPY"] = "Copy this code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VALIDATION_CODE"] = "Confirmation code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VALIDATION_DATE"] = "Date de validation" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VALIDATE"] = "Validate" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VALUE"] = "Value" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VAT_INTRACOM"] = "Intracom VAT number" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VAT"] = "VAT" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VIA"] = "Via" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VOIR_LISTE_CADEAU"] = "Check my gift list" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VOIR_PENSE_BETE"] = "Check my reminder" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_VOTE"] = "Vote" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WARNING_SIZE_PICTURE_ADS"] = "Warning: If you insert images in the description, please follow the format of it. <br /> Your images must be of a maximum width of 613 pixel." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WARNING"] = "Attention" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WEBSITE"] = "Website" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WEEK"] = "Week(s)" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WEIGHT"] = "Weight of the order" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WHAT_DO_YOU_DO_WITH_THAT_LIST"] = "What do you want to do wih this list?" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WHOLESALER"] = "Wholesaler" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WITH_ECOTAX"] = "including ecotaxe" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WITH_PROMO_CODE"] = "including the promotional code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WITH"] = "With" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WORLD"] = "World" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WORD_RESELLER"] = "Reseller" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WORD_SELLERS"] = "Sellers" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_WRITE_EMAIL_HERE"] = "Enter your email address" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YES"] = "Yes" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YOU_ARE"] = "You are" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YOU_CAN_EDIT_YOUR_ORDER"] = "We are inviting you to edit your invoice from your personal account" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YOUR_CODE_PROMO"] = "Your promotional code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YOUR_EMAIL"] = "Your Email" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YOUR_NAME"] = "Your first name" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YOUR_NEW_ADDRESS_CREATE"] = "Your new address was created." |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YOUR_NOTE"] = "Your note" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YOUR_OPINION"] = "Your opinion" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_YOUR_ORDER_DOWNLOAD"] = "Download your order" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ZERO_PRODUCT_ADD"] = "No product was added" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ZIP"] = "Zip code" |
| $GLOBALS ["STR_ZOOM"] = "Zoom" |