PEEL Shopping
Open source ecommerce : PEEL Shopping
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 // This file should be in UTF8 without BOM - Accents examples: éèê
3 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 // | Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Advisto SAS, service PEEL - |
5 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
6 // | This file is part of PEEL Shopping 8.0.0, which is subject to an |
7 // | opensource GPL license: you are allowed to customize the code |
8 // | for your own needs, but must keep your changes under GPL |
9 // | More information: |
10 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
11 // | Author: Advisto SAS, RCS 479 205 452, France, |
12 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 // $Id: database_pays_de.php 46935 2015-09-18 08:49:48Z gboussin $
15 if (!defined("IN_PEEL")) {
16  die();
17 }
19 // The keys shall have quotes so that they are correcly treated by Transifex : write "1" => ... and not 1 => ...
20 // Les clés doivent avoir des guillemets pour que ce soit traité correctement par Transifex : indiquez "1" => ... et non pas 1 => ...
22 $peel_pays["pays"] = array(
23  "FRA" => "Frankreich",
24  "AFG" => "Afghanistan",
25  "ZAF" => "Südafrika",
26  "ALB" => "Albanien",
27  "DZA" => "Algerien",
28  "DEU" => "Deutschland",
29  "SAU" => "Saudi-Arabien",
30  "ARG" => "Argentinien",
31  "AUS" => "Australien",
32  "AUT" => "Österreich",
33  "BEL" => "Belgien",
34  "BRA" => "Brasilien",
35  "BGR" => "Bulgarien",
36  "CAN" => "Kanada",
37  "CHL" => "Chile",
38  "CHN" => "China (Volksrepublik)",
39  "COL" => "Kolumbien",
40  "KOR" => "Südkorea",
41  "CRI" => "Costa Rica",
42  "HRV" => "Kroatien",
43  "DNK" => "Dänemark",
44  "EGY" => "Ägypten",
45  "ARE" => "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate",
46  "ECU" => "Ecuador",
47  "USA" => "USA",
48  "SLV" => "El Salvador",
49  "ESP" => "Spanien",
50  "FIN" => "Finnland",
51  "GRC" => "Griechenland",
52  "HKG" => "Hong Kong",
53  "HUN" => "Ungarn",
54  "IND" => "Indien",
55  "IDN" => "Indonesien",
56  "IRL" => "Irland",
57  "ISR" => "Israel",
58  "ITA" => "Italien",
59  "JPN" => "Japan",
60  "JOR" => "Jordanien",
61  "LBN" => "Lebanon",
62  "MYS" => "Malaysia",
63  "MAR" => "Marokko",
64  "MEX" => "Mexiko",
65  "NOK" => "Norwegen",
66  "NZL" => "New Zealand",
67  "PER" => "Peru",
68  "PAK" => "Pakistan",
69  "NLD" => "Niederlande",
70  "PHL" => "Philippinen",
71  "POL" => "Polen",
72  "PRI" => "Puerto Rico",
73  "PRT" => "Portugal",
74  "CZE" => "Tschechische Republik",
75  "ROU" => "Rumänien",
76  "GBR" => "Großbritannien",
77  "RUS" => "Russland",
78  "SGP" => "Singapur",
79  "SWE" => "Schweden",
80  "CHE" => "Schweiz",
81  "TWN" => "Taiwan",
82  "THA" => "Thailand",
83  "TUR" => "Türkei",
84  "UKR" => "Ukraine",
85  "VEN" => "Venezuela",
86  "SRB" => "Serbien",
87  "AND" => "Andorra",
88  "AGO" => "Angola",
89  "AIA" => "Anguilla",
90  "ATA" => "Antarktica",
91  "ATG" => "Antigua und Barbuda",
92  "ARM" => "Armenien",
93  "ABW" => "Aruba",
94  "AZE" => "Aserbaidschan",
95  "BHS" => "Bahamas",
96  "BHR" => "Bahrain",
97  "BGD" => "Bangladesch",
98  "BLR" => "Weißrussland",
99  "BLZ" => "Belize",
100  "BEN" => "Benin",
101  "BMU" => "Bermudas (die)",
102  "BTN" => "Bhutan",
103  "BOL" => "Bolivien",
104  "BIH" => "Bosnien und Herzegowina",
105  "BWA" => "Botswana",
106  "BVT" => "Norwegen - Bouvet (Insel)",
107  "IOT" => "Indischen Ozean Brit. Terr. - Diego Garcia",
108  "VGB" => "Jungferninseln",
109  "BRN" => "Brunei",
110  "BFA" => "Burkina Faso",
111  "BDI" => "Burundi",
112  "KHM" => "Kambodscha",
113  "CMR" => "Kamerun",
114  "CPV" => "Cape Verde",
115  "CYM" => "Cayman (Inseln)",
116  "CAF" => "Zentralafrikanische Republik",
117  "TCD" => "Tschad",
118  "CXR" => "Australien - Weihnachtsinsel",
119  "CCK" => "Australien - Cocos (Keeling) (Inseln)",
120  "COM" => "Komoren",
121  "COG" => "Kongo",
122  "COK" => "Cook (Inseln)",
123  "CUB" => "Kuba",
124  "CYP" => "Zypern",
125  "DJI" => "Djibouti",
126  "DMA" => "Dominica",
127  "DOM" => "Dominikanische Republik",
128  "TLS" => "Osttimor",
129  "GNQ" => "Äquatorialguinea",
130  "ERI" => "Erythr",
131  "EST" => "Estland",
132  "ETH" => "Äthiopien",
133  "FLK" => "Falklandinseln",
134  "FRO" => "Färöer (die)",
135  "FJI" => "Fidschiinseln",
136  "GUF" => "Französisch-Guayana",
137  "PYF" => "Französisch-Polynesien",
138  "ATF" => "Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises",
139  "GAB" => "Gabon",
140  "GMB" => "Gambia",
141  "GEO" => "Georgien",
142  "GHA" => "Ghana",
143  "GIB" => "Gibraltar",
144  "GRL" => "Grönland",
145  "GRD" => "Grenada",
146  "GLP" => "Frankreich - Guadeloupe",
147  "GUM" => "Guam",
148  "GTM" => "Guatemala",
149  "GIN" => "Guin",
150  "GNB" => "Guinaea-Bissau",
151  "HTI" => "Haiti",
152  "HMD" => "Australien - Heard- und McDonald-Inseln",
153  "HND" => "Honduras",
154  "ISL" => "Island",
155  "IRN" => "Iran",
156  "IRQ" => "Irak",
157  "CIV" => "Elfenbeinküste",
158  "JAM" => "Jamaika",
159  "KAZ" => "Kasachstan",
160  "KEN" => "Kenia",
161  "KIR" => "Kiribati",
162  "KWT" => "Kuwait",
163  "KGZ" => "Kirgisistan",
164  "LAO" => "Laos",
165  "LVA" => "Lettland",
166  "LSO" => "Lesotho",
167  "LBR" => "Liberia",
168  "LBY" => "Libyen",
169  "LIE" => "Liechtenstein",
170  "LTU" => "Litauen",
171  "LUX" => "Luxemburg",
172  "MAC" => "Macao",
173  "MKD" => "Mazedonien",
174  "MDG" => "Madagascar",
175  "MWI" => "Malawi",
176  "MDV" => "Malediven (Inseln)",
177  "MLI" => "Mali",
178  "MLT" => "Malta",
179  "MHL" => "Marshall (Inseln)",
180  "MTQ" => "Frankreich - Martinique",
181  "MRT" => "Mauretanien",
182  "MUS" => "Maurice",
183  "MYT" => "Frankreich - Mayotte",
184  "FSM" => "Mikronesien (Föderierte Staaten von)",
185  "MDA" => "Moldawien",
186  "MCO" => "Monaco",
187  "MNG" => "Mongolei",
188  "MSR" => "Montserrat",
189  "MOZ" => "Mosambik",
190  "MMR" => "Myanmar",
191  "NAM" => "Namibia",
192  "NRU" => "Nauru",
193  "NPL" => "Nepal",
194  "NCL" => "Frankreich - Neukaledonien",
195  "NIC" => "Nicaragua",
196  "NER" => "Niger",
197  "NGA" => "Nigeria",
198  "NIU" => "Niue",
199  "NFK" => "Australien - Norfolk (Insel)",
200  "MNP" => "Northern Mariana Islands (Inseln)",
201  "OMN" => "Oman",
202  "PLW" => "Palau",
203  "PAN" => "Panama",
204  "PNG" => "Papua-Neuguinea",
205  "PRY" => "Paraguay",
206  "PCN" => "Pitcairn (Insel)",
207  "QAT" => "Qatar",
208  "REU" => "Frankreich - Reunion",
209  "RWA" => "Ruanda",
210  "SGS" => "Südgeorgien und die Süd-Sandwichinseln",
211  "KNA" => "Saint Kitts und Nevis",
212  "LCA" => "Saint Lucia",
213  "VCT" => "Saint Vincent und die Grenadinen",
214  "WSM" => "Samoa",
215  "SMR" => "San Marino (Rep.)",
216  "STP" => "Sao Tome und Principe (Republik)",
217  "SEN" => "Senegal",
218  "SYC" => "Seychellen",
219  "SLE" => "Sierra Leone",
220  "SVK" => "Slowakei",
221  "SVN" => "Slowenien",
222  "SOM" => "Somalia",
223  "LKA" => "Sri Lanka",
224  "SHN" => "St. Helena",
225  "SPM" => "Frankreich - Saint-Pierre und Miquelon",
226  "SDN" => "Sudan",
227  "SUR" => "Suriname",
228  "SJM" => "Norwegen - Svalbard und Jan Mayen (Inseln)",
229  "SWZ" => "Swasiland",
230  "SYR" => "Syrien",
231  "TJK" => "Tadschikistan",
232  "TZA" => "Tanzania",
233  "TGO" => "Togo",
234  "TKL" => "Neuseeland - Tokelau",
235  "TON" => "Tonga",
236  "TTO" => "Trinidad und Tobago",
237  "TUN" => "Tunisia",
238  "TKM" => "Turkmenistan",
239  "TCA" => "Turks and Caicos (Inseln)",
240  "TUV" => "Tuvalu",
241  "UMI" => "USA: Minor Outlying Islands",
242  "UGA" => "Uganda",
243  "URY" => "Uruguay",
244  "UZB" => "Usbekistan",
245  "VUT" => "Vanuatu",
246  "VAT" => "Vatikan (Staat)",
247  "VNM" => "Vietnam",
248  "VIR" => "American Virgin (Inseln)",
249  "WLF" => "Frankreich - Wallis und Futuna",
250  "ESH" => "Western Sahara",
251  "YEM" => "Jemen",
252  "COD" => "Kongo (Dem. Rep.).",
253  "ZMB" => "Zambia",
254  "ZWE" => "Zimbabwe",
255  "BRB" => "Barbados",
256  "MNE" => "Montenegro"
257 );
if(!defined("IN_PEEL")) $peel_pays["pays"]

This documentation for Open ecommerce PEEL Shopping and has been generated by Doxygen on Thu Oct 15 2015 14:37:40 - Peel ecommerce is a product of Agence web Advisto SAS. All rights reserved.