PEEL Shopping
Open source ecommerce : PEEL Shopping
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 // This file should be in UTF8 without BOM - Accents examples: éèê
3 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 // | Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Advisto SAS, service PEEL - |
5 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
6 // | This file is part of PEEL Shopping 8.0.0, which is subject to an |
7 // | opensource GPL license: you are allowed to customize the code |
8 // | for your own needs, but must keep your changes under GPL |
9 // | More information: |
10 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
11 // | Author: Advisto SAS, RCS 479 205 452, France, |
12 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 // $Id: database_langues_es.php 46935 2015-09-18 08:49:48Z gboussin $
15 if (!defined("IN_PEEL")) {
16  die();
17 }
19 // The keys shall have quotes so that they are correcly treated by Transifex : write "1" => ... and not 1 => ...
20 // Les clés doivent avoir des guillemets pour que ce soit traité correctement par Transifex : indiquez "1" => ... et non pas 1 => ...
22 $peel_langues["nom"] = array(
23  "af" => "Afrikaans",
24  "ar" => "Árabe",
25  "be" => "Belarús",
26  "bg" => "Búlgaro",
27  "bn" => "Bengalí",
28  "br" => "Breton",
29  "bs" => "Bosnia",
30  "ca" => "Catalán",
31  "ce" => "Chechenia",
32  "co" => "Córcega",
33  "cr" => "El Grito",
34  "cs" => "Checo",
35  "cy" => "Galés",
36  "da" => "Danés",
37  "de" => "Alemán",
38  "el" => "Frec",
39  "en" => "Inglés",
40  "eo" => "Esperanto",
41  "es" => "Español (Castellano)",
42  "et" => "Estonia",
43  "eu" => "Vasco",
44  "fa" => "Persa (farsi)",
45  "ff" => "Fulani",
46  "fi" => "Finlandés",
47  "fj" => "Fiji",
48  "fr" => "Francés",
49  "ga" => "Irlandés (gaélico irlandés)",
50  "gd" => "Gaélico escocés (gaélico)",
51  "gl" => "Gallego",
52  "gn" => "Guaraní",
53  "he" => "Hebreo",
54  "hi" => "Hindi",
55  "hr" => "Croata",
56  "hu" => "Húngaro",
57  "hy" => "Armenio",
58  "id" => "Indonesia",
59  "is" => "Islandés",
60  "it" => "Italiano",
61  "ja" => "Japonés",
62  "jw" => "Javanés",
63  "ka" => "Georgiano",
64  "kk" => "Kazajo",
65  "kl" => "Groenlandia",
66  "km" => "Khmer (camboyano)",
67  "ko" => "Coreano",
68  "ku" => "Kurdo",
69  "ky" => "Kirguistán",
70  "lb" => "Luxemburgo",
71  "lt" => "Lituano",
72  "lv" => "Letón (letón)",
73  "mg" => "Madagascar",
74  "mk" => "Macedonio",
75  "mn" => "Mongol",
76  "mo" => "Moldavo",
77  "ms" => "Malayo",
78  "mt" => "Malta",
79  "my" => "Birmano",
80  "nb" => "Noruego",
81  "nl" => "Holandés (neerlandés)",
82  "no" => "Noruego",
83  "oc" => "Occitano (provenzal)",
84  "pl" => "Polaco",
85  "pt" => "Portugués",
86  "ro" => "Rumano",
87  "ru" => "Ruso",
88  "sa" => "Sánscrito",
89  "si" => "Cingalés",
90  "sk" => "Eslovaco",
91  "sl" => "Esloveno",
92  "sm" => "Samoa",
93  "so" => "Somalí",
94  "sq" => "Albaneses",
95  "sr" => "Serbia",
96  "ss" => "Swazi (siswati)",
97  "su" => "Sudanés",
98  "sv" => "Sueco",
99  "sw" => "Swahili",
100  "ta" => "Tamil",
101  "tg" => "Tayikistán",
102  "th" => "Thai",
103  "tk" => "Turcomano",
104  "tr" => "Turco",
105  "uk" => "Ucrania",
106  "uz" => "Uzbekistán",
107  "vi" => "Vietnamita",
108  "wo" => "Wolof",
109  "yi" => "Yiddish",
110  "zh" => "Chino",
111  "zu" => "Zulu",
112 );
if(!defined("IN_PEEL")) $peel_langues["nom"]

This documentation for Open ecommerce PEEL Shopping and has been generated by Doxygen on Thu Oct 15 2015 14:37:40 - Peel ecommerce is a product of Agence web Advisto SAS. All rights reserved.