86$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CATEGORIES_LOT_PRICE"] = "Discount per lot (different discounts depending on quantities ordered)";
87$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CATEGORIES_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The category %s has been added successfully.";
88$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CATEGORIES_MSG_DELETED"] = "The category %s has been deleted. All products and subcategories were reassigned to the parent category %s.";
108$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CHOOSE_FAVORITE_CATEGORIES"] = "Choose three favorite categories among the categories.";
109$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CHOOSE_SITE_TO_MODIFY"] = "Choose a website to administer (it will only be possible to edit the contents of the selected site)";
110$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CHOOSE_SEARCH_CRITERIA"] = "Choose your search criteria";
111$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CLEAN_FOLDERS_EMPTY_CACHE_EXPLAIN"] = "The cache folder contains what is stored in the Cache object: list of categories, content advertising space, etc.. Empty this folder allows to instantly see the updated banners or new categories.";
112$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CLEAN_FOLDERS_EMPTY_CACHE"] = "Empty the cache folder";
118$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CLEAN_FOLDERS_MSG_FILES_DELETED"] = "A total of %s files have been deleted.";
119$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CLEAN_FOLDERS_MSG_IMAGES_OPTIMIZED_OK"] = "A total of %s images have been reworked.";
120$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CLEAN_FOLDERS_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES_EXPLAIN"] = "You can edit the following JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) a directory without changing their names. It is not recursive (does not subdirectories). NB: MAKE A BACKUP OF THE FILE BEFORE USING THIS SCRIPT ";
121$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CLEAN_FOLDERS_QUALITY_LABEL"] = "Please enter a number between 1 and 100 included in the rate of quality";
167$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_BILL_ADDRESS_EXPLAIN"] = "If an email address is entered for this order, and the address does not match an existing user, a user is automatically created.";
168$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_BILL_NUMBER_EXPLAIN"] = "Values of type [column] in the invoice number will be filled after the creation of this order.";
212$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SEND_BY_EMAIL_CONFIRM"] = "Do you really want to send the payment request by email?";
213$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SEND_DOWNLOAD_LINK"] = "Sending email to download";
214$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SEND_PDF_BILL_BY_EMAIL_CONFIRM"] = "Do you really want to send this bill?";
215$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SEND_PDF_BILL_BY_EMAIL"] = "Send PDF invoice to the customer by email";
216$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SEND_PDF_PROFORMA_BY_EMAIL_CONFIRM"] = "Do you really want to send the proforma invoice?";
217$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SEND_PDF_PROFORMA_BY_EMAIL"] = "Send the PDF by email proforma invoice to the customer";
218$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SEND_PDF_QUOTATION_BY_EMAIL_CONFIRM"] = "Do you really want to send this quote?";
219$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SEND_PDF_QUOTATION_BY_EMAIL"] = "Send PDF quote to the customer by email";
220$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS"] = "Delivery address (if different from billing address)";
221$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_SHIPPING_COST_EXPLAIN"] = "Remove the cost recalculation automatic form validation";
224$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_STOCK_RECREDIT"] = "Warning: The stock will be credited back";
225$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_THANK_SPONSOR_WITH_CREDIT_EXPLAIN"] = "This will be added to get underway.";
226$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_THANK_SPONSOR_WITH_CREDIT_OF"] = "To reward the sponsor, you can assign a credit note of";
227$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_TRACKING_NUMBER"] = "Number of tracking the package";
229$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_VAT_INTRACOM"] = "EU VAT number of the customer";
230$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_WARNING_ALREADY_DOWNLOADED"] = "Warning, contains the server files already downloaded.";
231$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_WARNING_EDITION_NOT_ALLOWED"] = "Under the <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['administrer_url']}/sites.php#a_keep_old_orders_intact\">site configuration</a>, this order is too old to be edited to preserve the consistency of the accounts already closed ";
232$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COMMANDER_WITH_PARTIAL_AMOUNT"] = "application with partial payment";
251$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CONFIGURATION_EXPLAIN"] = "This page is intended for developers and experts.\r\nYou can edit directly below the contents of the configuration variables, in addition to the section \"<a href=\"{$GLOBALS['administrer_url']}/sites.php\">Site Settings</a>\" which is an interface to change these variables.\r\nThe configuration variables in this table have priority over the present configuration in the PHP code on your site.\r\nYou can also add language variables whose code begins with technical STR_ : these variables will override the files in /lib/lang/\r\nYou can customize some message the site without changing the PHP code, which will allow updates to your version of Shopping PEEL not cancel your text changes.";
252$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE"] = "Changing this setting";
253$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CONFIRM_JAVASCRIPT"] = "Would you do this?";
254$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CONNEXION_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No connection found.";
255$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CONNEXION_USER_TITLE"] = "List of user connections";
271$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COULEURS_ERR_COLOR_NOT_FOUND"] = "The color was not found.";
272$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COULEURS_LIST_EXPLAIN"] = "You can set the color of your products on this page. These colors will then be to bind to products from a product detail sheet. The display order is managed by moving the line corresponds to a color in the desired position.";
274$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COULEURS_MSG_COLOR_CREATED"] = "The color <b>%s</b> has been created.";
275$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COULEURS_MSG_COLOR_DELETED"] = "The color <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
276$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COULEURS_MSG_COLOR_UPDATED"] = "Changes the color %s have been taken into account.";
277$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_COULEURS_NO_COLOR_FOUND"] = "No color stored in the database.";
278$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_CREATE_BILL_NUMBER_BEFORE"] = "Links to invoices will be available after the issue of an invoice number for this order.";
314$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ECOTAXES_ERR_ECOTAX_NOT_FOUND"] = "The eco-tax has not been found.";
315$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ECOTAXES_EXPLAIN"] = "This table allows you to manage your eco-tax rates associated with different products. You can add, edit and delete these scales ecotax.";
317$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ECOTAXES_MSG_ECOTAX_CREATED"] = "The ecotax <b>%s</b> has been created.";
318$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ECOTAXES_MSG_ECOTAX_DELETED"] = "The ecotax <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
319$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ECOTAXES_MSG_ECOTAX_UPDATED"] = "Changes to ecotax %s have been taken into account.";
320$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ECOTAXES_NO_ECOTAX_FOUND"] = "No ecotax recorded in the database.";
321$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ECOTAXES_TITLE"] = "Manage price lists ECO-TAX of environmental fee";
322$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ECOTAXES_FORM_TITLE"] = "Add or edit an ecotax";
326$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_MSG_ACTIVATED"] = "This email template has been activated.";
327$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_MSG_DEACTIVATED"] = "This email template has been disabled.";
328$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_MSG_LAYOUT_EXPLAINATION"] = "To create a generic appearance used by all the emails sent by the store, you can create an email template with technical_code 'layout'. This email will contain the setting generic form, and the tag [TEMPLATE] placed in this model will be automatically replaced by the text of all emails sent.";
339$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_TAGS_EXPLAIN"] = "The contents will be changed automatically when sending email.";
340$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_TAGS_TABLE_EXPLAIN"] = "This table allows you to create a new email to your customers.<br />Remember to define the technical code if the category of the email is \"Automatic Shipments\". It must not contain spaces or special characters";
371$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HEADER_HTML_TEXT"] = "Text in page header";
372$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_ERR_ZONE_NOT_FOUND"] = "The HTML area was not found.";
373$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_FORM_TITLE"] = "Add or edit HTML content";
374$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_MSG_ZONE_CREATED"] = "The HTML field <b>%s</b> has been created.";
375$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_MSG_ZONE_DELETED"] = "The content has been deleted.";
376$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_MSG_ZONE_UPDATED"] = "Changes to the zone HTML %s have been taken into account.";
377$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_PHOTOS_WARNING"] = "Notes on the photos: if you embed pictures in HTML this space, we must first put online (eg in the / images directory with your FTP client).";
399$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_TITLE"] = "Manage HTML content";
401$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_DELETE_COOKIE_LINK"] = "Delete cookie interstitial and test the site as if it were a new visitor (an interstitial advertising display if enabled above)";
402$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_EXPLAIN"] = "This is always the most recent content that appears in the required position.";
403$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_HTML_UPDATE"] = "Edit this content";
407$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_ERR_COLUMN_NOT_KNOWN"] = "Column #%s not recognized and therefore not imported: %s";
408$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_ERR_FIELDS_NOT_CHOSEN"] = "You must check at least one box.<br />Importing stopped.";
409$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND"] = "File not found!<br />Importing stopped.";
410$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_ERR_INCOHERENT_COLUMNS"] = "Problem while importing: there are several columns \"%s\" in the source file - not import.";
411$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_ERR_REFERENCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST"] = "The reference category %s does not exist";
412$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_ERR_TYPE_NOT_CHOSEN"] = "The type of import has not been selected.<br />Importing stopped.";
413$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_EXPLAIN"] = "- The first line MUST contain the column headers<br />- There should not be any formula in the CSV file<br />- The decimal separator must be the point the comma<br />- The separator used in the file, tab, semicolon or comma should only indicate a change in column<br />- The file can not be opened by your application to be able to download <br /> - The pictures correspond to the products to be managed separately to the FTP in the directory {$GLOBALS['uploaddir']}/<br />- <b> Before importing identifiers categories, make that you have previously created these categories with the administration</b><br />";
420$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_IMPORT_ALL_FIELDS"] = "Import all the fields found in the file";
421$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_IMPORT_MODE"] = "Select the import mode";
422$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_IMPORT_SELECTED_FIELDS"] = "Import only selected fields below";
423$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_MSG_ATTRIBUTE_CREATED"] = "Creating attribute %s - created with id = %s";
424$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_MSG_BRAND_CREATED"] = "Creation of the %s - created with id = %s";
425$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_MSG_CATEGORY_CREATED"] = "Creating %s category - created with id = %s";
426$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_MSG_IMPORTATION_OK"] = "Number of products imported successfully: %s in total, including: %s modified, %s unmodified and %s created.<br />Association between products and categories: %s added.";
427$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_MSG_LINE_CREATED"] = "Import line %s - product created with id = %s";
428$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_MSG_LINE_UPDATED"] = "Import %s line - updated product with the id = %s";
429$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_MSG_OPTION_CREATED"] = "Creating the %s option - created with id = %s";
430$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_MSG_TARIF_CREATED"] = "Creation of the discount price (%s), prix_revendeur (%s) and amount (%s) for the product id = %s";
431$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_MSG_TARIF_UPDATED"] = "Update the discount price (%s), prix_revendeur (%s) and amount (%s) for the product id = %s";
432$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_SELECT_FIELDS"] = "Select the fields you want to update";
433$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_SEPARATOR_EXPLAIN"] = "specify \\t for tab - leave blank for automatic detection";
436$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS_WARNING_ID"] = "Warning: if the column \"id\" is present in the file, the products found with these \"id\" will have their data changed.";
437$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_IN_COLUMNS"] = "In column";
441$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_CUSTOM_MODULES"] = "Our modules à la carte";
442$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_DELIVERY_DESC1"] = "Display a few clicks what are your orders that have been delivered to customers or those being processed.";
443$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_DELIVERY_DESC2"] = "The last 5 paid orders to be delivered";
453$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_PEEL_DESC1"] = "Upgrade your shop include new modules and functionalities. Do not hesitate to contact the team PEEL email or phone to ensure the technical maintenance of your shop and the establishment functional developments.";
455$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_PRODUCTS_DESC1"] = "Manage categories and products in your catalog. Find in this space all the necessary tools to easily manage your product.";
457$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_SALES_DESC1"] = "Access your sales statistics by filtering period. You can quickly see the evolution of your business over time.";
458$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_SALES_LINK"] = "Generate your sales reports";
463$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_USERS_DESC1"] = "This space allows you to create a customer record, enter information about a user or modify its information.";
464$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_USERS_LINK"] = "Go to a list of your customers";
465$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_INDEX_USERS_LIST"] = "List of users";
475$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_CODE_ISO_EXPLAIN"] = "Warning, please follow the language code <a href=\"http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_des_codes_ISO_639-1\" onclick=\"return(window.open(this.href)?false:true)\">ISO639-1 format</a>";
476$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_ERR_CONTENT_NOT_IMPORTED"] = "The default contents could not be imported because it is not found in /lib/lang/database_XXX_XX.php regarding the following tables";
477$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_ERR_LANGUAGE_NOT_FOUND"] = "The language was not found.";
479$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_ERR_LANGUAGE_TWO_CHARS"] = "The language must be composed of 2 letters (ISO 639-1).";
480$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_EXPLAIN1"] = "To add a language, it is necessary to first good language files in the /lib/lang. You can visit <a href=\"http://www.peel-shopping.com/\">PEEL-SHOPPING.com</a> to see if the language pack that you want already exists.";
481$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_EXPLAIN2"] = "If several languages coexist on the same URL and no user session is active, this is the language that is used first position (arrival of a user or search engine).";
482$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_EXPLAIN3"] = "To URL Rewriting on. Htaccess contains default decoding directories 2 letters. For any other configuration, you must edit the. Htaccess.";
494$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_UPDATE"] = "Change the language";
495$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_URL_REWRITING"] = "[If URL Rewriting module enabled] URL Rewriting for this language (set xx. A subdomain xx/ for a directory, or a full URL starting with http:// without / at the end) ";
496$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LANGUES_WARNING"] = "WARNING: If you want to repair columns languages, make a backup of your data first to avoid data loss.";
497$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_LEGAL_ERR_EMPTY_TITLE"] = "You must enter a title for your %s legal information.";
527$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_MARQUES_UPDATE"] = "Edit this brand";
528$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_META_DESCRIPTION_EXPLAIN"] = "The \"Description\" field allows you to specify the search engine a sentence summarizing the content of the page. Field contents must not exceed 200 characters and must not be returned to the line key (\"Enter\"). Make sure that the proposed descriptive phrase contains the most representative keywords for your site.";
529$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_META_DESCRIPTION"] = "Meta tag for SEO - Description";
530$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_META_EMPTY_EXPLAIN"] = "The table \"peel_meta\" is empty.";
531$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_META_KEYWORDS_EXPLAIN"] = "The field \"Keywords\" should tell the search engine what words best describe your page (ten is best). These keywords can improve the page rank. Divide your words by a comma followed by a space. field contents must not exceed 400 characters and must not have a newline (key \"Enter\").";
532$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_META_KEYWORDS"] = "Meta tag for SEO - Keywords";
533$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_META_META_DELETED"] = "The meta %s was deleted.";
705$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_CHOOSE_TEMPLATE_INFO"] = "To customize your newsletter, you can create an email template that contains the tag [NEWSLETTER]. This tag will be replaced with the content specified in this page.";
707$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_SEND_CONFIRM"] = "¿Está seguro que quiere mandar este boletín";
708$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_CRON_ACTIVATED_EXPLAIN"] = "Note: The cron module is enabled, the number of users that can be sent the newsletter is not limited here, but can nevertheless be used by your host.";
709$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_CRON_DEACTIVATED_EXPLAIN"] = "Note: this module shipments are limited to 250 recipients and treated at once, which can be problematic because of time limitations running on some servers. Shipments to mass, use the cron module or module specific interconnection Wanewsletter.";
710$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_FORM_TITLE"] = "Add or edit a newsletter";
712$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_MSG_NEWSLETTER_DELETED"] = "The newsletter <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
713$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_MSG_SEND_ADMINISTRATORS"] = "The %s newsletter will be sent in a few minutes all site administrators";
714$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_MSG_SEND_SUBSCRIBERS"] = "The %s newsletter will be sent in a few minutes to all registered subscribers who are";
715$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_MSG_SENT_OK"] = "The newsletter %s \"%s\" was sent to %s people - limited to 250 recipients";
716$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No newsletter saved in the database.";
717$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_SEND_ALL_USERS"] = "Sending the entire list of users";
723$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_UPDATE"] = "Edit this newsletter";
724$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NEWSLETTERS_WARNING"] = "Warning: The making of an HTML newsletter requires great care to be compatible with all platforms emails. You must make sending tests: use of standard text editor FCKeditor below should not give you the illusion of a simple layout which would then major compatibility issues when playing by your users. <a href=\"http://www.peel-shopping.com/\" onclick=\"return(window.open(this.href)?false:true)\">For assistance with the implementation of HTML compatible, you can contact PEEL 01 75 43 67 97</a> ";
725$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NO_ADMIN_ACTION_FOUND_FOR_THIS_USER"] = "This member has been no action by a moderator / administrator.";
726$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_NO_RESULT"] = "Your query has no results";
741$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAIEMENT_EXPLAIN"] = "PayPal and Moneybookers will actually be activated only if the email account is entered on the merchant <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['administrer_url']}/sites.php\"> page site configuration</a> ";
742$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAIEMENT_FORM_TITLE"] = "Add or edit a means of payment";
743$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAIEMENT_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The method of payment <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
744$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAIEMENT_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "Changes to the payment method %s have been taken into account.";
745$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAIEMENT_NO_PAYMENT_MEAN_FOUND"] = "No means of payment recorded in the database.";
754$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAIEMENT_TECHNICAL_CODE_EXPLAIN"] = "The code is used to associate the technical means of payment with the relevant PHP code";
755$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAIEMENT_TITLE"] = "Management means of payment";
756$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAIEMENT_UPDATE"] = "Edit this payment";
757$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAIEMENT_WARNING"] = "Beware the legal implications associated with this type of expense.";
758$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAYS_ADD_COUNTRY"] = "Add or edit a country";
759$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAYS_LIST_EXPLAIN"] = "Here is the table showing the country<br />You can add, edit or delete a country. The order of the country is manageable by moving the line for a country to the desired position.";
760$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAYS_CREATE"] = "Add a country";
761$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAYS_ERR_NOT_FOUND"] = "The country has not been found.";
762$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAYS_ISO_2"] = "ISO 3166 code of 2 letters";
763$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PAYS_ISO_3"] = "ISO 3166 code of 3 letters";
782$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PLAN_ERR_TAG_VALID_NEEDED"] = "You must insert valid tags.";
783$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PLAN_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "The update your Google map has been made.";
784$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PLAN_TAG_CODE"] = "Your Google map code";
785$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PLAN_TAG_EXPLAIN"] = "<h2>How to obtain the necessary HTML code to display the map on your site</h2><ul><li>Go to the page <a href=\"http://maps.google.com/\" title=\"Google Map\">Google Map</a></li><li>Type in the search bar at the location you want to display on your website</li><li>Click on the <em>link</em> at the top left of the map</li><li>Click on <em>customize and preview embedded map</em></li><li>Check the box <em>personalized</em> to set your preferred height and width</li><li>Copy the iframe code that Google generated</li> And paste this code into the box text below.</li></ul>";
786$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PLAN_TITLE"] = "Manage map of society";
787$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PLAN_UPDATE"] = "Change map of the company";
818$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUCT_ORDERED_DELETE_CONFIRM"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this product? This will delete after final save changes at the bottom of the page.";
836$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_CHOOSE_REFERENCE_EXPLAIN"] = "If you select the automatic calculation option, the associated products displayed on the product sheet products will be the ones ordered by other users at the same time as this one. In this case, the list of products above will not be taken into account.";
838$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_CREATE_CATEGORY_FIRST"] = "You must first create a category of products";
839$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_DEFAULT_COLOR_IN_FRONT"] = "display this default color front office";
841$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_DEFAULT_FILE_NUMBER"] = "Number of the image or PDF default";
842$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_DESCRIPTION"] = "Description (displayed in the data sheets)";
845$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_DISPLAY_NO_PRICE_PER_UNIT"] = "Do not display the price per kilo or liter";
846$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_DISPLAY_PRICE_PER_KILO"] = "Display the price per kilo";
847$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_DISPLAY_PRICE_PER_LITER"] = "Display the price per liter";
849$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_DUPLICATE_WARNING"] = "When duplicating products, the stock is not taken into account.";
850$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_DUPLICATE"] = "Duplicate the product";
851$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_EAN_CODE"] = "Code EAN 8/13, or UPC code";
852$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_ERR_EMPTY_CATEGORY"] = "You must select at least one category for your product.";
853$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_ERR_EMPTY_NAME"] = "You must enter a product name.";
854$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_ERR_NOT_FOUND"] = "The product was not found.";
855$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_EXTRA_LINK"] = "URL of any additional link on the product page below the description (inactive if empty)";
858$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_FILES_EXPLAIN"] = "Accepted files: images (GIF, JPEG and PNG) and PDF files.";
862$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_FLASH_SALE_EXPLAIN"] = "The price flash is activated if a positive price and an end date in the future are identified. Prices flash are not affected by promotions. The configuration will be considered only if the module is enabled in the configuration of the site.";
865$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_GIFT_CHECK_EXPLAIN"] = "This feature allows us to offer this product to customers if they have the number of points defined in the field \"Points required to buy this gift\" below.<br />This product is available to the user via the link \"My gift list\" in section \"My Account\".";
873$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_ON_ESTIMATE"] = "The words \"On quotes\" will be displayed instead of the price";
874$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_ON_FLASH"] = "Show in the Flash section";
875$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_ON_GIFT"] = "This product is a gift";
876$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_ON_HOME"] = "Show home page and under the heading \"Our selection\"";
877$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_ON_NEW"] = "Show in the heading \"New\"";
878$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_ON_PROMOTIONS_EXPLAIN"] = "Automatic selection of products in the promotions page is active. You can change this setting in the site configuration.";
879$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_ON_PROMOTIONS"] = "Show in the heading \"Special\"";
880$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_ON_RESELLER"] = "This prodcut is reserved for reseller";
881$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_ON_ROLLOVER"] = "Show in block \"Best\"";
882$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_PRODUCT_IN"] = "The product is it in the";
883$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_IS_PRODUCT"] = "The product is it";
884$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_LINK_PRODUCT_TO_SUPPLIER"] = "BRINGING THE PRODUCT TO A SUPPLIER (below the list of users and privilege Supplier with a company name)";
885$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_LIST_TO_ORDER_TITLE"] = "List of products to order";
886$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_LOT_PRICE_HANDLE_EXPLAIN"] = "You can set different prices depending on quantities when you have already created this product and you edit it";
888$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_LOT_PRICE"] = "Price per lot (different prices depending on quantities ordered)";
889$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MANAGE_COLORS_SIZES_EXPLAIN"] = "You can select several colors and several sizes are not adjacent by holding Ctrl key pressed while selecting.<br />Deleting a color (or size) whose stock is managed will result in removal of the stock on the association between color (or size) and this product. Combining color and / or size requires an updated inventory manually.";
890$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MANAGE_CRITERIA_INTRO"] = "If you want to manage attributes other than size or color";
891$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MANAGE_CRITERIA_LINK"] = "Add or change various attributes of the product";
892$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MANAGE_CRITERIA_TEASER"] = "You can associate attributes after creating the product on this page from the page";
895$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MANAGE_TAB_EXPLAIN"] = "The management of the product sheet tabs will be available when the product will be created";
896$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MANAGE_TAB"] = "Administer content tabs in language";
897$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MANAGE_TABS_EXPLAIN"] = "The following link opens a page containing a form for editing the contents of the tabs on the product page in the front office.<br />This functionality allows you to distribute information 6 tabs up, and displayed below the block containing the button to add to cart.";
899$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "Product <b>%s</b> has been added successfully.";
900$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "Product <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
901$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MSG_PRODUCT_UPDATE_OK"] = "Changes to product <b>%s</b> have been taken into account.";
902$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_MSG_STOCKS_UPDATED"] = "The stocks for this product have been memorized, and inventory related temporary reset. <a href=\"%s\">Click here to return to the product list</a>.";
911$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_POSITION_EXPLAIN"] = "The position is used to define the order in the list of products, and for the module \"Previous / Next\"";
932$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_PRODUITS_VIDEO_TAG"] = "Please enter here your HTML integration Youtube / Dailymotion / Facebook video to appear on the product description";
951$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_RUBRIQUES_DISPLAY_NO_SUMMARY"] = "Do not show link to articles in the topic page";
952$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_RUBRIQUES_DISPLAY_SUMMARIES"] = "Show caps and links to articles in this category";
953$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_RUBRIQUES_ERR_NOT_FOUND"] = "The category was not found.";
955$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_RUBRIQUES_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The category %s has been deleted. All articles and sub-headings were reassigned to the topic later.";
956$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_RUBRIQUES_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The file <b>%s</b> has been deleted from the server.";
974$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITEMAP_CREATE_BUTTON"] = "Generate XML sitemap to Google (the operation may take several seconds)";
975$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITEMAP_CREATED_REPORT"] = "Query used to generate the XML file:";
976$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITEMAP_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The file has been generated.";
977$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITEMAP_OPEN"] = "Read the XML file";
978$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITEMAP_TITLE"] = "Creating XML sitemap";
979$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ABOVE_MIDDLE"] = "Above the central content";
980$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITE_ID"] = "Website id (0 for all)";
981$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITE_DUPLICATE_CONFIRM"] = "Confirm the duplication of site %s. Only the configuration will be duplicated.";
982$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITE_DELETE_CONFIRM"] = "Confirm the deletion of the site %s";
983$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ADD_SITE"] = "Add a website";
984$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ADD_TO_CART_ANIMATION"] = "Graphic animation when adding a product to cart (product image that flies toward the basket)";
985$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ADMIN_FORCE_SSL_EXPLAIN"] = "This parameter prohibits all Administration pages without HTTPS (except the configuration page of the site so you can change this setting in case of problems)";
986$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ADMIN_FORCE_SSL"] = "Force the use of SSL for the administration";
999$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_BILLING_NUMBER_FORMAT_EXPLAIN"] = "The format of invoice number is only used when creating a new invoice, or updating old invoice.<br />This format can be empty (for manual dialing each invoice) or contain text, numbers and type fields [column] [column, N] [++] [++N]:<br />- [column] is automatically replaced by the value of the column \"column\" table in order to create an order (eg [id] => order id)<br />- [++] to increment a value: if invoice already exists with the rest of the required format, then increments this section, if one starts from 1<br />- Adding, N can automatically add 0 N characters to format the value.<br />In addition, it is possible to insert the numbers of days [d], months [m] years and [Y].";
1000$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_BILLING_NUMBER_FORMAT"] = "Select the format of invoice number";
1001$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_BIRTHDAY_MODULE"] = "Coupon code for birthdays customers";
1005$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CAPTCHA_EXPLAIN"] = "captcha module requires the GD library and the FreeType installed on your server.";
1006$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CART_POPUP_SIZE_EXPLAIN"] = "If you want to change the size of the pop-up, you must manually edit your file in models / size of the images that compose";
1007$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CART_POPUP_SIZE"] = "Size pop-up add to cart";
1012$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CATEGORY_COUNT_METHOD"] = "method for counting and presenting products in a category. This parameter also applies to articles and categories";
1018$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_COMPARATOR_EXPLAIN"] = "Export to price comparison";
1019$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CONFIGURED_PROMOTIONS"] = "If this option is checked, only products \"flash sales\" and rebated products by brand or their grades will be posted on the page";
1020$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CONFIGURED_TOP_SALES"] = "Products configured to be the top sales";
1021$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CSS_FILES_EXPLAIN"] = "The file names of the style sheets are separated by commas indicate html_bill.css not here";
1022$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CSS_FILES"] = "Name of the style sheet located in the selected directory";
1023$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CURRENCIES_LINK"] = "Manage your currencies";
1025$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CURRENCY_SELECT_DISPLAY_EXPLAIN"] = "Note: If you change the default currency, you must change the product prices, exchange rates and currency exchange rates related to order history in the database.";
1026$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_CURRENCY_SELECT_DISPLAY"] = "Module currency selection by the user";
1036$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_DELIVERY_COST_METHOD_EXPLAIN"] = "If you want to manage deliveries (even free), use the option \"Depending on the areas, the total weight and the total amount of the order\".";
1037$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_DELIVERY_COST_METHOD"] = "Method of calculating shipping";
1038$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_DELIVERY_COST_NONE"] = "No delivery management and therefore no shipping (services / virtual products)";
1040$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_DELIVERY_FRANCO_LIMIT_EXPLAIN"] = "For your information, your current configuration areas postage is";
1041$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_DELIVERY_FRANCO_LIMIT_PRODUCTS_IN_CART_EXPLAIN"] = "The exemption threshold shipping zone overrides the exemption threshold shipping generals.";
1043$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_DELIVERY_FRANCO_LIMIT"] = "Exempt postage if a customer purchases more";
1044$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_DELIVERY_FRANCO_NO_ZONE"] = "No defined area in carriage";
1045$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_DISPLAY_ERRORS_FOR_IP_EXPLAIN"] = "Enter the IPs separated by a space (* for all, leave blank for none)";
1046$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_DISPLAY_ERRORS_FOR_IP"] = "IPs whose display PHP errors is enabled";
1050$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_EMAIL_CONFIGURATION_EXPLAIN"] = "Regardless of the setting above, no email is sent if you visit your local site: localhost or<br />email addresses below are used for sending emails to customers, and is addressed to some management messages from the site.<br />Technical Note: if you have an email server separate from your web server, make sure you do not have SPF field limiting prohibiting the sending by the web server.";
1052$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_EMAIL_EMPTY_DEFAULT_EXPLAIN"] = "If empty: it is the webmaster email will be used";
1053$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_EMAIL_SENDING_ALLOWED"] = "Enable sending emails throughout the site";
1054$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_EMAIL_SENDING_DEACTIVATE_EXPLAIN"] = "(to disable on test server for example)";
1055$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ERR_EMPTY_EMAIL"] = "You must enter a valid email address in the box";
1056$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_EXPEDITOR_MODULE"] = "Interconnection with Expeditor";
1057$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_EXPLAIN"] = "This table allows you to configure every parameter of your shop. You can among other things, define the display of your products, manage the mininum amount of customer orders or the various modules installed on your site.";
1078$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_HTTPS_TEST"] = "If you want to force the use of https for administration, check here first page that works in HTTPS and login first in HTTPS";
1083$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_JAVASCRIPT_LIBRARIES_ACTIVATION_EXPLAIN"] = "Some scripts are sometimes incompatible with javascript libraries, you can enable the libraries you want.<br />Note: The auto-completion of the research requires prototype.js and various site features requires jQuery.";
1095$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MICROBUSINESS_EXPLAIN"] = "The module micro-enterprise tax requires that prices on the site are equal to price excl. VAT, that is to say, no VAT is not applied.<br />ATTENTION : Just to be consistent, you must configure the products, environmental taxes and shipping costs with VAT at 0%, otherwise the price will be calculated from VAT inclusive price indicated in the administration and the mention of VAT rates, tax rates and displayed to clients will be equal to the price excluding VAT, and therefore different prices indicated in the tax administration.";
1101$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MODULE_INSTALL"] = "Module present with no installation needed";
1102$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MODULES_POSITIONS_EXPLAIN"] = "You can combine modules to the desired location (bottom, top, middle-top or middle-bottom) by setting the display order of the position.<br />Sideblock mode formats the module in a block, and sideblocktitle same with a title.<br />On a given space, only one banner is displayed at the same time, a random rotation is performed if several banners are configured on this space.<br />special module \"Advertising random\" appears in random rotation of banners from all advertising whatsoever.<br />module catalog shows the Category tree products: you need to have categories to be displayed.<br />";
1103$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MODULES_POSITIONS"] = "Management module slots in the site";
1104$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MONEYBOOKERS_EMAIL"] = "Email merchant account on moneybookers.com (active Moneybookers module if specified)";
1106$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MONEYBOOKERS_SECRET_WORD_EXPLAIN"] = "This secret word is defined in Moneybookers account. It secures exchanges between your site and Moneybookers.";
1107$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MONEYBOOKERS_SECRET_WORD"] = "secret word used for trade with Moneybookers";
1108$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MSG_INSERTED_OK"] = "The website <b>%s</b> was created.";
1109$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The site <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
1110$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MSG_DELETED_NOK"] = "Le website #<b>%s</b> has not been found. No modification has been made.";
1111$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "Site settings have been updated.";
1112$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_NO_VAT_FOR_INTRACOM_FOREIGNERS_LOCAL_COUNTRY_EXPLAIN"] = "Enter the two letters indicative of the country (FR France for example) to apply the exemption from VAT for users with no VAT Registration foreign country.<br />For example: if you enter two letters FR, then all clients putting a No. VAT starting with another country code will not pay VAT.";
1114$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_NO_VAT_FOR_INTRACOM_FOREIGNERS_LOCAL_COUNTRY"] = "Country Reference for VAT exemptions within the Community";
1115$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_NO_VAT_FOR_INTRACOM_FOREIGNERS"] = "VAT exemption for VAT Registration No. foreigners";
1116$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ON_HOMEPAGE_ONLY"] = "The home page only";
1117$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_OPINIONS_MODULE"] = "User reviews on products";
1118$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ORDERS_UPDATING_LIMITATION"] = "Management of change orders";
1119$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ORDERS_UPDATING_OLD_FORBID"] = "Block modification of old orders";
1120$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ORDERS_UPDATING_OLD_FORBIDDEN_IF_OLDER_THAN_DATE_EXPLAIN"] = "If you have chosen the \"All orders before the date MM-DD-YYYY\", you must enter the date otherwise the current date will be used.";
1122$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ORDERS_UPDATING_OLD_FORBIDDEN_IF_OLDER_THAN_LAST_YEAR"] = "All orders for years <= N-1 when it has exceeded 30 June of the year N";
1133$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_PAYBOX_TEST_EXPLAIN"] = "<strong>Reminder of Paybox test values:</strong><br />SITE:1999888<br />RANK: 99<br />USERNAME: 2";
1134$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_PAYMENT_FORM_AUTO_VALIDATION_WAIT_SECONDS_EXPLAIN"] = "(immediate will in all cases Kwixo former FIANET ReceiveAndPay =)";
1135$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_PAYMENT_FORM_AUTO_VALIDATION_WAIT_SECONDS"] = "Set the seconds to wait before automatic validation of the payment form";
1136$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_PAYMENT_FORM_AUTO_VALIDATION"] = "Enable automatic validation of the payment form (and will remain inactive with SPPLUS ATOS)";
1137$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_PAYPAL_EMAIL"] = "Email paypal (Paypal active module if specified)";
1174$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_PRODUCTS_FILTER_DISPLAY"] = "Show products filter (sort by price, reference, etc.).";
1175$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE_EXPLAIN"] = "The number of products is offered by default to the user. In the paging area, it can also choose a number lower or higher calculated automatically from your value.<br />In addition, the number you specify is rounded to the number of columns displayed: for example, if you specify 20 and there are 3 columns is 21 which is retained for not having the incomplete last line.";
1176$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE"] = "Number of products displayed per page";
1178$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_REQUEST_FOR_PROPOSAL_VALIDITY_DAYS_EXPLAIN"] = "Set the duration of your quote specifying this value. The unit of time must be specified (days, weeks, months, etc...)";
1180$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_RESELLER_MANAGE_EXPLAIN"] = "The prices for resellers are always displayed in excl. VAT and excl. VAT billing is (even if the site is in charge VAT).<br />Prices to resellers are set product data sheets and if a dealer price for a product is 0, the normal price is used.<br />No reduction by brand or category is applied to the reseller price.";
1187$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_ROLLOVER_EXPLAIN"] = "To add a product in this block, you must check the option in the description of the products indicating that they will be in this block.";
1191$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SESSIONS_DURATION_EXPLAIN"] = "More sessions are shorter, the utilistaeurs be quickly disconnected but the site is secure";
1192$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SESSIONS_DURATION"] = "Length of user sessions";
1193$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SIPS_CERTIFICATE"] = "No certificate file";
1196$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SITE_ACTIVATED_EXPLAIN"] = "If you deselect the site, a message will appear only off on all pages except the login, and unless you are logged in as Administrator (the message will be displayed top of the page requested).";
1197$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SITE_ACTIVATED_EXPLAIN2"] = "Before disabling the site, please retain the url of the login page";
1198$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SITE_ACTIVATED_EXPLAIN3"] = "This login page will allow you to log into your account and visit.";
1199$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SITE_ACTIVATED"] = "site visible by everyone";
1204$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SMALL_ORDERS_AMOUNT"] = "Additional costs if small order";
1205$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SMALL_ORDERS_EXPLAIN"] = "Additional charges called \"preparation costs\" can be defined for orders up to a certain amount";
1206$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SMALL_ORDERS_LIMIT"] = "amount below which additional charges apply";
1207$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SMALL_ORDERS_VAT"] = "VAT on these expenses";
1208$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SMALL_ORDERS"] = "Management of small orders";
1209$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SO_COLISSIMO_FIRSTORDER_EXPLAIN"] = "(0: Propose delivery methods outside the home / 1: Do not offer delivery outside the home)";
1210$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SO_COLISSIMO_FIRSTORDER"] = "parameter first order";
1211$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SO_COLISSIMO_FOID"] = "Username Front Office SO Colissimo";
1212$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SO_COLISSIMO_FORWARDINGCHARGES_EXPLAIN"] = "are applied to all modes of delivery So Colissimo";
1215$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SO_COLISSIMO_POINT_RELAIS_EXPLAIN"] = "(0: Do not propose the withdrawal area shopping / 1: Offer withdrawal shopping area)";
1227$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_STOCKS_BOOKING_EXPLAIN"] = "If the reservation period stocks is 0, then there is no reservation stocks when placing a product in the basket";
1228$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_STOCKS_BOOKING_SECONDS"] = "Booking deadline of stock during the implementation cart in seconds";
1229$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_STOCKS_DECREMENT_BY_PAYMENT_STATUS_EXPLAIN"] = "These two modes inventory management have their advantages and disadvantages:<br /><ul><li>Either we liberate the stock as it is not paid => problem: when pay it, there will be perhaps more stock</li><li>Either we reserve the stock => problem: if he never pays, the stock is locked and not available for other orders => we must cancel unpaid orders if we believe that the user will not pay</li></ul>";
1230$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_STOCKS_DECREMENT_BY_PAYMENT_STATUS"] = "Decrement actual inventory for orders awaiting payment";
1231$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_STOCKS_LIMIT_ALERT"] = "alert threshold (an email is sent to the administrator when a product falls below this threshold)";
1233$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SUPPORT_SENDER_NAME_EXPLAIN"] = "The name above the sender's email webmaster / support will appear in the sender field of the inbox of the recipient of mails that are sent.<br />Leave this blank to appear only the email address.";
1234$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_SITES_SUPPORT_SENDER_NAME"] = "Name of the sender of the email webmaster / support";
1286$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_FORM_TITLE"] = "Add or edit a status type";
1287$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_LIVRAISON_CREATE"] = "Add a type of delivery status";
1288$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_LIVRAISON_EXPLAIN"] = "You can specify the names on this page Delivery status.";
1289$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_LIVRAISON_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The delivery status <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
1290$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_LIVRAISON_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "Changes to the delivery status of %s has been taken into account.";
1291$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_LIVRAISON_TITLE"] = "Delivery status management";
1292$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_NO_STATUS_FOUND"] = "No status type stored in the database.";
1293$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_PAIEMENT_CREATE"] = "Add a type of payment status";
1294$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_PAIEMENT_EXPLAIN"] = "The type of payment status is changed but not their identifiers that are technically in the shop. Automating interactions payment status with other features of the site needs to change the program.";
1295$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_PAIEMENT_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The payment status has been established.";
1296$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_STATUT_PAIEMENT_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "Changes the payment status %s have been taken into account.";
1305$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_LIST_EXPLAIN"] = "You can set this page sizes of your products. These sizes will then bind to plug products from the retail product. The display order is manageable by moving the line corresponding to the desired size.";
1306$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_FORM_TITLE"] = "Add or edit a size";
1307$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The size <b>%s</b> has been created.";
1308$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The size <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
1309$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "Changes the size %s have been taken into account.";
1310$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_NOT_FOUND"] = "The size was not found.";
1311$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No size recorded in the database.";
1312$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_OVERCOST_RESELLER"] = "Additional costs to the size of the reseller price (not mandatory)";
1313$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_OVERCOST"] = "Additional costs to the size of the standard price (not mandatory)";
1314$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TAILLES_OVERWEIGHT"] = "Overweight linked to size (non-mandatory)";
1330$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TARIFS_MINIMAL_WEIGHT"] = "Minimum weight for this price (grams)";
1331$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TARIFS_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The rate <b>%s</b> has been created.";
1332$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TARIFS_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The price has been erased.";
1333$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TARIFS_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "Changes costs have been taken into account.";
1334$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TARIFS_NOT_FOUND"] = "The price has not been found.";
1335$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TARIFS_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No fare stored in the database.";
1336$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TARIFS_SETUP_FREE_EXPLAIN"] = "If you want to always offer a free delivery of physical products, you can configure the postage to 0 by putting maximum weight and maximum total 0.";
1348$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TVA_CREATE"] = "Add a tax rate";
1349$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TVA_DELETE"] = "Delete this VAT";
1350$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TVA_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS"] = "This rate of VAT already exists.";
1351$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TVA_FORM_EXPLAIN"] = "You can below to add, edit and delete your VAT rates, you can also associate with your products in the product sheets.";
1352$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TVA_FORM_TITLE"] = "Add or edit a tax rate";
1353$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TVA_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The rate of VAT has been added.";
1354$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TVA_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The VAT rate has been deleted.";
1355$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TVA_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "The VAT rate was updated.";
1356$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TVA_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No VAT rates recorded in the database.";
1363$GLOBALS['STR_ADMIN_UPDATE_VERSION_INVITE'] = 'You must update the structure of your database';
1364$GLOBALS['STR_ADMIN_UPDATE_VERSION_OK'] = 'Update of data base performed: old version = %s - new version = %s';
1365$GLOBALS['STR_ADMIN_UPDATE_VERSION_WARNING'] = 'You must backup your database by your own means before any automatic update - This tool is risky and under your own responsibility';
1443$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_UTILISATEURS_LIST_EXPLAIN"] = "Here is the table with the users of your shop.<br />You can add, modify or delete a user. Besides that you have the ability to reset their password but also send a coupon code and to create an invoice.";
1444$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_UTILISATEURS_LOGO_DELETED"] = "Logo deleted from the server.";
1515$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_UTILISATEURS_UPDATE_EXPLAIN"] = "Changes made to a user logged into the site will be fully taken into account only when the user is disconnected and then reconnected.";
1516$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_UTILISATEURS_UPDATE_STATUS"] = "Change the status of the user";
1518$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_UTILISATEURS_USERS_COUNT"] = "Number of users found";
1548$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_DELIVERY_COSTS_EXPLAIN"] = "The exemption threshold shipping zone overrides the exemption threshold shipping generals.";
1549$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_DELIVERY_COSTS_IN_ZONE"] = "Activation calculations exemption shipping in the area";
1550$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_DOES_VAT_APPLY_IN_ZONE"] = "The VAT will apply it in this area?";
1551$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_FORM_TITLE"] = "Add or edit an area";
1552$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_FRANCO_LIMIT_AMOUNT_EXPLAIN"] = "This value is used only if the activation is checked above.";
1553$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_FRANCO_LIMIT_AMOUNT"] = "amount from which the total exemption shipping applies";
1554$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_FRANCO_LIMIT_PRODUCTS_EXPLAIN"] = "This number is used only if the activation is checked above. Inform 0 (zero) for not taking into account the number of product.";
1555$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_FRANCO_LIMIT_PRODUCTS"] = "Number of products purchased from which the exemption shipping applies";
1557$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The delivery area <b>%s</b> has been created.";
1558$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The area <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
1559$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "The changes in delivery mode %s have been taken into account.";
1560$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_NOT_FOUND"] = "The area was not found.";
1561$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No area recorded in the database.";
1562$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_TECHNICAL_CODE_EXPLAIN"] = "The code is technical information during the installation of Kwixo. Inform 'DOM' for the area and Dom-Tom, France, France for the area.";
1564$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_ZONES_UPDATE"] = "Edit this zone";
1565$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_ATTRIBUTS_ADMIN_ATTRIBUTE_OPTIONS_LIST_EXPLAIN"] = "The following options are possible values of an attribute. Attribute When will be associated with a product, you can select the options allowed for this particular product from all of these options this attribute.";
1566$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_ATTRIBUTS_ADMIN_ATTRIBUTE_OPTIONS_LIST"] = "List of options associated with the attribute";
1574$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_ATTRIBUTS_ADMIN_EXPLAIN"] = "The attributes must be created before their associated options. Each product can be associated with N attributes, this is managed through the sheet product edition.";
1575$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_ATTRIBUTS_ADMIN_FREE_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE"] = "attribute in free text (that the user can perform on the product description)";
1577$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_ATTRIBUTS_ADMIN_LIST_TITLE"] = "List of available attributes for the product";
1580$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_ATTRIBUTS_ADMIN_LIST_EXPLAIN_SELECT"] = "TIP: <br /> - To select several options that do not follow, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard pressed <br /> - To deselect an association between an attribute and a product, press the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on an already selected item.";
1581$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_ATTRIBUTS_ADMIN_LIST_OPTIONS_ASSOCIATED"] = "Options associated with this attribute";
1623$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_AVIS_ADMIN_UPDATE"] = "Modify this view";
1624$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ACTIVATE_LINK"] = "You must first activate this module in the Control Panel";
1625$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_AD_ID"] = "Specify the last number(s) of the ad id. The field \"Allow the banner on the detail pages of ads\" must be checked.";
1626$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_AD_PLACE"] = "Ad number from which the banner displays";
1631$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_DATES_EXPLAIN"] = "The dates are required fields to complete.";
1633$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ERROR_INSERTED"] = "Your entry has failed. Thank you to fill an image or HTML tag";
1634$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ERR_UPDATED"] = "Updating the banner failed. You must enter an image or HTML for this banner.";
1635$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_EXTRA_JAVASCRIPT"] = "JavaScript event on the href (onclick=\"example()\")";
1641$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "Banner <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
1642$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "Changes to %s banner has been taken into account.";
1643$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No banner stored in the database.";
1644$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ODD_EVEN_ALL"] = "No alternate odd / even on the last digit of the ad id or category id";
1645$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ODD_EVEN_EVEN"] = "Display the numbers of peer id ad id or category id";
1646$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ODD_EVEN_ODD"] = "Display on odd numbers of ad id or category id";
1647$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ON_AD_PAGE_DETAILS"] = "Allow banner on the detail pages of ads";
1648$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ON_ANNOUNCEMENT_CREATION_PAGE"] = "Allow the banner on the ads creation page";
1649$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ON_FIRST_PAGE_CATEGORY"] = "Allow the banner on the front pages of categories";
1650$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ON_HOME_PAGE"] = "On the homepage of the site";
1651$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ON_OTHER_PAGE_CATEGORY"] = "Allow other banner on category pages";
1652$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ON_OTHER_PAGE"] = "Allow banner on other pages";
1653$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_ON_SEARCH_ENGINE_PAGE"] = "Allow the banner on the results page of search engine";
1654$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_PLACE_EXPLAIN"] = "The space is the number of module \"advertising\". This module defines the position display your banner ad.<br />The position of this module is manageable on the page site configuration, section \"Management module slots\".";
1656$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_POSITION_EXPLAIN"] = "The position to define an order of the banners in an items list (in ascending order).";
1657$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_SIZE_EXPLAIN"] = "If the fields \"width\" and \"height\" are not met, the default dimensions applied to the site will be taken into account when displaying banners.";
1658$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_SPACE_EXPLAIN"] = "You must configure the module in the configuration page of the website in the space corresponding to this banner is displayed in the left column.";
1660$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_TAG_HTML_EXPLAIN"] = "If the field is full HTML tag is the one that will be taken into account when displaying banners";
1661$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_TAG_HTML"] = "HTML Tag (Google Adsense or other HTML tag, etc.).";
1662$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_BANNER_ADMIN_TARGET_BLANK"] = "_blank (open a window)";
1703$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_COMMERCIAL_ADMIN_LIST_EXPLAIN"] = "Below is a table listing the planned making contacts with your customers. You can add a contact in the planning of a user form, under the heading <i> Add a new date contact / Manage contact data</i> ";
1720$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_COMPARATEUR_ADMIN_MSG_EXPORTED_OK"] = "The file was successfully exported.";
1721$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_COMPARATEUR_ADMIN_NAME"] = "Name of the comparator";
1722$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_COMPARATEUR_ADMIN_WARNING"] = "This module may require adjustments based on changes in various price comparison. <br /> These changes format of these sites are not dependent on us and will result in billing development if we change the contents of CSV exports";
1723$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_DEVISES_ADMIN_CREATE_EXPLAIN"] = "Update all exchange rates from websites XE and Oanda Google";
1725$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_DEVISES_ADMIN_DEFAULT_CURRENCY_EXPLAIN"] = "Note: The default currency must always have a conversion rate equal to 1.";
1726$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_DEVISES_ADMIN_DEFAULT_CURRENCY"] = "The default currency of the store is: %s.";
1727$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_DEVISES_ADMIN_ERR_GET_DATA"] = "Problem connecting to XE, Google and Oanda.<br />Make sure your server allows the allow_url_fopen directive (detected value allow_url_fopen: %s)<br />If this is the case is that XE and Oanda Google refuse your request, which may be too old.";
1761$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_GIFT_CHECK_ADMIN_EXPLAIN"] = "The reduction will apply to the order's TOTAL incl. VAT excluding shipping and after all other discounts (products and customers)";
1762$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_GIFT_CHECK_ADMIN_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No gift recorded in the database.";
1786$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_GIFTS_ADMIN_LIST_TITLE"] = "Ordered list of gifts";
1787$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_GIFTS_ADMIN_NO_ORDER_FOUND"] = "No order gifts recorded in the database.";
1789$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_GROUPS_ADMIN_LIST_EXPLAIN"] = "Here is the table with your user groups. User groups allow you to apply discounts to multiple users in the same group.";
1792$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_GROUPS_ADMIN_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No group of users registered in the database.";
1793$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_GROUPS_ADMIN_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The group has been deleted.";
1833$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ALERT_ADMIN_CHOOSE_CATEGORY_OR_SUPPLIER_STOCK"] = "Select the category and/or the supplier you want to manage stocks.";
1834$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ALERT_ADMIN_EMAIL_SENDED_FOR_STOCK"] = "An email alert has been sent to %s to indicate that there are now stock for this product.";
1835$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ALERT_ADMIN_EMAIL_SENDED_FOR_NO_STOCK"] = "No email sent to %s because no stock was found for this product";
1836$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ALERT_ADMIN_FOR_CLIENT_REMOVED"] = "The alert for the client <b>%s</b> has been cleared";
1837$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ALERT_ADMIN_LIST"] = "List of current alerts";
1838$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ALERT_ADMIN_TREATED"] = "This alert has already been treated and no longer exists";
1841$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ADMIN_CHECK_TO_SEE_IF_STOCK"] = "Check this box if the product is out of stock";
1842$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ADMIN_CHOOSE_CATEGORY_OR_SUPPLIER_STOCK"] = "Select the category and/or the supplier you want to manage the stock";
1844$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ADMIN_DELIVERY_DELAY_DAYS"] = "Estimated delivery time (in days)";
1848$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ADMIN_ETAT_DELETED"] = "The state <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
1849$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ADMIN_INFO_SCALE_JOUR_STOCK"] = "The scale is in <b>days</b>. This value will display on more details as the product is in stock.<br />If you want to manage the display of delivery's delay in case of stock shortages, <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['wwwroot']}/modules/stock_advanced/administrer/etatstock.php\">see the page for state management of stock</a>";
1850$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_MANAGE_ADMIN_ALL_STOCK_ALL_SUPPLIERS"] = "Manage stock of all categories and all suppliers";
1851$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_MANAGE_ADMIN_STOCK"] = "Manage stock status list";
1878$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ADMIN_WARNING_CATEGORY_FOURNISSEUR_STOCK"] = "If you select \"All Categories\" and \"All suppliers\", a comprehensive list of the top 250 products whose stocks are managed will be displayed.";
1879$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PREMIUM_ADMIN_WARNING_DISPLAY_PRODUCT_STOCK"] = "Note that your products appear in this form only if their stocks have been initialized in the product page.";
1883$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PROFIL_ADMIN_DESCRIPTION_EXPLAIN"] = "displayed on the users account";
1884$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PROFIL_ADMIN_EXPLAIN"] = "Be careful when adding a profile, it is imperative to create or modify PHP functions associated.";
1885$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PROFIL_ADMIN_LIST_EXPLAIN"] = "For each profile are privileges that can be coded in PHP site. Correspondence is done via the abbreviation of the profile.";
1886$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PROFIL_ADMIN_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The profile <b>%s</b> has been created.";
1887$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PROFIL_ADMIN_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "Changes to the profile %s has been taken into account.";
1888$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PROFIL_ADMIN_NOTHING_FOUND"] = "No profile stored in the database.";
1889$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PROFIL_ADMIN_TITLE"] = "Manage user profiles";
1890$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_PROFIL_ADMIN_UPDATE"] = "Edit this profile";
1915$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_COLORS_EXPLAIN"] = "Color Legend:<br />- Black: planned date contact is greater than today and the date of last contact => contact coming<br />- Green: planned date contact is less than or equal to is less than today and the date of last contact => contact made<br />- Red: planned contact date is less than or equal to and greater than today the date of last contact => contact to do today, or planning not respected<br />";
1917$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_EMAIL_EXPLAIN"] = "These email addresses are configured in the site settings, under the heading \"Managing emails\".";
1922$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_ERR_SENT"] = "Failed to send email for %s";
1923$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_ERR_SENT_NO_EMAIL"] = "No email address selected for this shipment. The message has not been sent.";
1924$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_EXPLAIN_TAGS"] = "Only tags (value in brackets) generic listed on the modification / creation of template will be replaced automatically. Others tags must be replaced manually.";
1925$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_EXPLAIN_TEMPLATES"] = "This page allows you to send a personalized email from your shop. Emails templates used on this page are the same as those used by the shop. You can modify existing templates or create others on the page ";
1926$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_FORM_TITLE"] = "Create / Edit an email template";
1927$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_LIST_IN_AD_FORMS"] = "List of emails in the forms of its ad pages";
1928$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_LIST_IN_SITE_CONTACT_FORM"] = "emails sent by this user from the contact form on the site";
1929$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_LIST_IN_VITRINE"] = "List of emails from his profile";
1930$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_LIST_TITLE"] = "List of emails sent to users through the site.";
1933$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_MSG_SENT_OK"] = "The email was sent to %s.";
1934$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_MSG_STATUS_NOT_READ_OK"] = "The email #%s has been declared unread.";
1935$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_MSG_STATUS_READ_OK"] = "The email #%s has been declared read.";
1936$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_MSG_WILL_SEND_BY_CRON_OK"] = "Sending email has been taken into account and will be executed in a few minutes.";
1937$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_NO_EMAIL_FOUND"] = "There are currently no email.";
1938$GLOBALS["STR_MODULE_WEBMAIL_ADMIN_NO_EMAIL_SENT_FOUND"] = "There are currently no email sent.";
1964$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_CREATE"] = "Add a shipping method";
1965$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_EXPLAIN"] = "You can set this page the names of the modes of delivery. These modes of delivery will then bind to the <a class='alert-link' href=\"{$GLOBALS['administrer_url']}/tarifs.php\">shipping rates</a>.";
1966$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_FORM_TITLE"] = "Add or edit a shipping method";
1968$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_LINK_TO_ICIRELAIS"] = "Link to this mode of delivery ICI relay";
1969$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_LINK_TO_KWIXO_EXPLAIN"] = "1: Removing the product from the merchant<br />2: Using a network of third-withdrawal (type Kiala, Alveol, etc.).<br />3: Withdrawal in an airport, train station or travel agency<br />4: Carrier (La Poste Colissimo, UPS, DHL ... or private carrier)<br />5: Issuing an e-ticket, downloads ( this case is handled automatically)<br />";
1970$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_LINK_TO_KWIXO"] = "Asssocier transport type to one of the predefined types of transport Kwixo";
1971$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_LINK_TO_SOCOLISSIMO"] = "Link to this mode of delivery SO Colissimo";
1972$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_LINK_TO_TNT"] = "Link to this mode of delivery TNT";
1973$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_MSG_CREATED_OK"] = "The method of delivery <b>%s</b> has been created.";
1974$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_MSG_DELETED_OK"] = "The method of delivery <b>%s</b> has been deleted.";
1975$GLOBALS["STR_ADMIN_TYPES_MSG_UPDATED_OK"] = "The changes in delivery mode %s have been taken into account.";
This documentation for Open ecommerce PEEL Shopping and PEEL.fr has been generated by Doxygen on Thu Oct 15 2015 14:32:31 - is a product of SAS. All rights reserved.